I can't seem to ever get it to work... Anyone tell me exactly how if not busted?
I can't seem to ever get it to work... Anyone tell me exactly how if not busted?
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
Check it in the harbor. I can walk there all the time. But for some reason it has never worked around meridia for me.
Golyat, Thelonies, Mavete, Uzziah
Just click it out of water and start walking? Start from swimming? What exactly r u doing so I can copy? Are you in a stance? Not sure why I can't get it to work...
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
It works, it just doesn't work anywhere it could be moderately useful it seems, especially when all you want to do is save a little time running around the vale
yeah. i tried it in vale and it didn't work...
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
featherfall, a solid jump score, and good timing on your twitch skills means you can jump/glide across the water without ever sinking in. monks? who needs monks?
But yeah, sucks it isnt working properly..
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
It only works in some places. I've used it inside several quests that include water areas and even lava pools. Works in the harbor, Stealer of Souls, Abbot, inspired quarter (but not the area with the actual dreaming dark quests), VoN 5's lava pool, ToD part 1's lava, and several other quests I've used it in. I've had friends get confused when they see me run on water in a quest and try to follow only to fall in and float, even when they know I can do it.
Does not work in meridia, the area with the dreaming dark quests (after inspired quarter as mentioned above), or the sentinels quest with the ballistas. I'm sure there are plenty of other places it doesn't work.
All you have to do is activate it from out of the water, run in, and don't stop moving.