Johnson, Garbage, Snails
PM if you have them.
Johnson, Garbage, Snails
PM if you have them.
I think that if you haven't accessed a toon in over a year then the name should be forfeited.
I know some R/L issues happen. Same goes for guild activity in a years time (forfeit)
So if for example, someone in the military gets deployed to some third world country for a year or even 15 months, they should lose their character's name regardless of how much time and/or money they invested in their character(s)? That hardly seems fair.
If I wanted to have to squat on my character for everything I own to still be there, I would go play Ultima Online. DDO is suppose to be better than that, it suppose to be very casual friendly, instead of forcing you into a playing schedule to make the most of the game.
I understand the issue of limited names being available and the problems rewriting the system at this point (especially since parts of code look like they were put together with duct tape), but there still has to be a better solution than that.
Well, a lot of MMO's have a character inactivity deletion policy. I wouldn't expect to come back to a MMO and have all your characters and loot after not playing for 6 months. We have some people in my guild who have been inactive for almost 2 years now, they aren't coming back I'm sure, and if they did they would probably need to start from scratch anyway.
DDO needs an inactive character wipe.
The better MMO's don't wipe characters. Even WoW keeps characters in reserve indefinitely, and they have a hell of a lot more accounts to manage than DDO. More importantly, wiping accounts would be in contradiction to the free-to-play model that Turbine is trying to promote and which has kept this game afloat.
The idea of ftp is that people are more likely to spend money for the game if Turbine accommodates casual players and those who don't want to pay a monthly subscription fee. Turbine assumes that players will leave and some of them will come back later. But if their character is wiped or even their name lost, they are less likely to return to spend money on the game. While if someone joins who has their name taken will just choose another name.
In my opinion they should release all names from characters not played for over one year that are below level 11. Simply rename the character as <name>-<server> as when they complete a server merge and multiples of the same name exist.
We all know some of the best names were taken at the game's release and only a fraction of those original people are still here. It has become hard pickings.
RavensguardLew Ahmaquissar, Jasiris, Larlocke, Bodellin Hester, Cappen Varra, Sorros
Oh come on, there are still some names out there, why does it have to be exactly one of those?
If you cant figure out anything stunningly amusing, just pick something and move on, most people who see your name couldnt care less
to me all this looks bit of a pseudo problem aka 'i have to get what i want' answer would be: 'no you dont always have to get what you want'.
one solution(assuming that the problem is serious, which i doubt) would be generating new names for those who havent played in lets say 3 years, so whenever they log on they get prompted to choose new name. Nothing would get wiped that way
It is along standing commitment by ddo to not remove names
Sorry Dritz and it's 9000 variants were taken. And I've never had a problem making a name. Including ones made this year!
/not signed. Because a lot of players come back. And deletingthiers toons will keep them from returning.
Just wondering.We all know some of the best names were taken at the game's release and only a fraction of those original people are still here. It has become hard pickings.
Do you gents genuinely consider "snails" or "garbage" *best"* names...?
* Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *
So let me get this straight...
You want a 6 mo. to one year half life
on inactive characters?
I am a former Marine who now works in logistics
for the Dept. Of the Navy... I can be relocated OCONUS
at any time due to my position... (I am basically a tech Rep)
and on more than one occasion I almost was!
If I were to get activated for a year, you feel I should
lose everything I have done... FOR FOUR and a half YEARS!!!
I'm glad YOU don't run Turbine!
The last time I was deployed to combat back
when I served in the gulf war in 90-91
(I was active duty at the time.)
I was in a deployed status for over a year!
I have also served as a contractor to the military
and was deployed for over three Years!
I have seen tanks massing on the border of Iraq..
Narrowly missed taking incoming fire from enemy
rockets and missiles, survived a friendly fire incident
when an ally have a weapon malfuntion...
And for all that and all the the young warriors of today
are sacrificing... You feel their reward should be...
"Sorry bout you luck, your characters are gone!"
I say again, I am glad YOU don't run this company.
RL happens and you can not know what caused
their absence, and to arbitrarily just delete characters
due to inaction is very shortsighted.
This game thrives not only because of new blood
but because of it's policy for returning players.
I think that is a very bad point of view, and
would show a lack of respect to customers.
Maybe you ought to think about that.
But hey, that's just me...
Official Muskateers Bartender
Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)
I have a character that I have not logged into since Xoriat merged with Thelanis, that's over two years ago. I don't plan on ever logging into him yet I still am an active player.
I am no longer ViP but have purchased 95% of the adventure packs from the store. I will buy Half Orc and Druids when they are realeased. I don't have time for TP grinding either so I buy those point with dollars.
Should I loose my character name under you plan of 1 year inactivity?
My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.
I agree that something should be done to release names that are not being used. But I also agree deleting characters is not a good idea as people have spent a long time building them. How about 18 months and all the characters in an account are renamed a random sequence of letters and the account is given a rename token per character?
That is so true.
And I never had to face enemy or friendly fire.
Please bear with me, I would like to reiterate my previous suggestion: introducing different naming mechanics so only user name needs be unique, and characters can share first name on the same server.
If at all possible on DDO, that would make name squatting less of an issue.
* Live by the Pencil - My D&D-related Art * <-> * Focus Orb Paperbag - My Workaround for Helves *
I have to say, I'm with the holding names in reserve crowd. You shouldn't penalize people for needing to take breaks.
Now what I really enjoy is when someone sends you a PM to chastise you for "taking their name." Someone sent a message to my main with this long and tired story about how I stole "their" name. Apparently, I am a terrible person who goes out of their way to take other people's ideas. They said that deleting my toon would be the honorable thing to do. LOL. I told him that I chose Audrianna for a toon 4 years ago and have used it ever since. Somehow that was lost on this f2p dude that joined last October.![]()