I've put together an elven Bladesinger through the DDO Character Generator and put together this build. I have not advanced too far into the game, level 6 has been my highest achievement so far. That being said, please go easy on my build as this is the first one I've composed. My motivation for this build goes back to the Complete Book of Elves from 2nd Edition AD&D and have not seen it really translate/transfer into 3rd Edition. I have yet to play 4th Edition but that might change soon enough.
Regardless, I've done some research into the class/prestige class/kit and there are still some aspects that have remained true to the first incarnation of the Bladesinger:
1) - No shields...EVER!
2) - Long sword is the weapon of choice
3) - Reduced penalty for arcane spellcasting
4) - Use of mithral armour
5) - No higher than medium armour
Limitation of high end spell casting have made me go so far as to make the Bladesinger a combination of Fighter 8/Wizard 12. I focused primarily on Weapon Specialization:Long Sword as well as incorporating Two Weapon Fighting and even Two Weapon Blocking. Keep in mind, again, I have no experience with content past level 6 so this build is very skewed. Rationale for taking the Two Weapon Blocking is to substitute a weapon for a shield, preferably a long sword. I would like constructive criticism for the choice of weapon, would long sword, rapier or even a scimitar be better overall. I am fully aware this will change things quite a bit with feat selection.
As for Wizard feats, my choices were Mental Toughness, Quicken Spell and Extend Spell. Wizad based feats: Combat Castiing and Mobile Casting. A list of Starting Stats, Feats, Skills, and Enhancements are given below. I cannot factor in equipment or any expectation of any tomes so go easy on me in that regard.
So without further ado...
St 16
Dx 16
Cn 14
In 14
Wi 8
Ch 8
Concentration 4/21
Balance 2/16/
Tumble 2/16
Use Magical Device 2/10
I worked on all these skills to the end. The numbers are: starting/finishing. UMD seems low, I'll look into that again later.
Character Level: 20
Alignment: True Neutral
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
HP: 260
SP: 859
Class 1: Fighter (8)
Class 2: Wizard (12)
BAB: 14/14/19/24
Fort: 12
Refl: 11
Will: 9
Stat Increases:
Level 4: Int
Level 8: Int
Level 12: Dex
Level 16: Str
Level 20: Str
Level Progression:
1 - Wizard
2 - 5 Fighter
6 - 16 Wizard
17- 20 Fighter
1 - Mental Toughness & Toughness
2 - Weapon Focus:Slashing Weapons
3 - Dodgge & Two Weapon Fighting
5 - Weapon Specialization:Slashing Weapons
6 - Mobility
9 - Combat Casting & Extend Spell
12 - Mobile Spellcasting
14 - Quicken Spell
15 - Improved Critical:Slashing Weapons
18 - Improved Two Weapon Fighting & Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
20 - Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Spell Selection I focused on buffs when possible and then damage and then crowd control spells. I'm fully aware this is a support fighter and caster build so I chose not to go too crazy on DPS spells as the primary form of magical expression.
Finally Enhancements were as follows:
1 - Elcen Arcanum 1, Aerenal Elf Melee Damage 1, Wizard Energy of the Scholar 1
2 - Elven Arcane Fluidity 1, Fighter Critical Accuracy 1, Fighter Toughness 1
3 - Fighter Armour Class Boost 1, Racial Toughness 1, Fighter Strength 1
4 - Elven Dexterity 1, Aerenal Elf Melee Attack 1
5 - Fighter Critical Accuracy 2, Fighter Toughness 2
6- Elven Arcane Fluidity 2
7 - Racial Toughness 2, Wizard Intelligence 1
8 - Aerenal Elf Melee Damage 2
9 - Elven Dexterity 2
10 - Aerenal Elf Melee Attack 2
11 - Wizard Energy of the Scholar 2
12 - Elven Arcane Fluidity 3
13 - Wizard Intelligence 2
14 - Wizard Energy of the Scholar 3
16 - Wizard Intelligence 3
17 - Fighter armour Class Boost 3, Elven Arcanum 2 & 3
19 - Fighter Strength 2, Fighter Toughness 3
20 - Fighter Armour Class Boost 3, Fighter Haste 1, Longsword Specialization 1
Again any constructive feedback is greatly appreciated.