I did some calculations and, as a Halfling build, I could do this:
10 base
40 dex (+15 ac)
32 wis (+11 ac)
Dragontouched armor (+6 AC armor)
Alchemical Armor Ritual (+1 AC alchemical)
Heightened Awarenesss 4 (+4 insight ac)
Barskin potion (+3 ac)
chaosgarde (+2 AC, dodge)
Monk Centered bonus (+5 AC)
Protection (+5 AC, deflection)
Blessing of the Three dragons (+1 AC, guild)
Combat Expertise (+5 AC bonus, feat)
Dodge Feat (+1 AC, dodge)
GH armor (3x Shield clicky, +4 AC, shield, 3x de 1 minuto)
*Race (+1 ac, halfling)
*Chattering Ring (+3 AC dodge)
= 77 AC, with no other classes buffs.
+ Greensteel with permanent blur.
+ 25% Ninja Spy
= 45% auto-miss, solo.
At a raid or an epic quest, with some other people around (1 ranger, 1 bard, 1 cleric/fvs, 1 paladin e 1 mage):
+2 de barskin completa (ranger)
+2 recitation (clérigo ou fvs)
+4 Inspire Heroics (bard)
+5 aura (paladin)
+ Displacement
= 90 AC and 75% miss chance.
However my question is: Is 90 ac of any use on epic content? I heard fighters and rogues can get into 110-120 AC.
I heard also that people with 100 AC still get hit very often on epic.