so went to a shroud run and in part4 right towards the end of the fight, pow team wipe.we were all wondering in 2 seconds how we could go from full health,spamming heals to total party wipe? so we all recalled started a new group went back in and we get to part 4 and pow another lag spike so drastic that when i got put in part 5, dead, for 30 seconds damage scores rolled by my head. i imagine that when the patches came out it rolled back the lag fix that we all enjoyed that week after last mod. but lag is back bigger and better than before. the word "un" comes to mind, unsatisfied,unremarkable,unmotivated,unprofessiona l. not really mad as this is what i've come to expect. i fall into the unsatisfied category. so is this what we get? more lag, as it seems to be the great they even know how much lag there is? i really dont expect a fix, just wondering if they even have a clue as to all the broken parts of this game.oh.well have a good day and watch out for that old,new shroud lag.