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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Lag O'Clock in the Morning

    Most players in North America may not know that every night -- about 2:30am here in Los Angeles -- something happens in-game that makes it difficult to use the Auction House, bank slots, mail, and vendors. I've been told that this is when the databases are backed up. Whatever the reason, the aforementioned windows become very slow or unresponsive for about 30 minutes.

    Usually I take this as a sign that I should be going to bed, not playing DDO. But there are substantial numbers of players for whom this is prime time, many expressing polite displeasure in charming Australian accents.

    I assume that this maintenance is scheduled for the time each day when the total server load is lowest, and that it can't be avoided. But perhaps, an hour beforehand, the devs could start sending red-text system-wide announcements saying the nightly backup will begin at _____ o'clock, and that vendor, auction, mail, and bank screens will be slow or unresponsive for a while.

    I'm sure our friends overseas would appreciate the warning.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Sphinx111's Avatar
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    As a European player I would like to say /signed.

    Between 10am and 1pm UK time, as the OP said, the game is very unresponsive. Loading takes exceptionally long times, sometimes you time out for example, as well as the aforementioned issues listed by the OP.

    Whilst I accept that back-ups have to be taken at some point in the day, and let's face it, it's necessary, a few worldwide broadcasts (maybe one at the point back-ups start, and one at the point the back-ups end) would inform those that are sometimes wondering 'what the heck?'.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shawnvw View Post
    I'm sure our friends overseas would appreciate the warning.
    Your friends overseas would appreciate that.

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  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sphinx111 View Post
    As a European player I would like to say /signed.

    Between 10am and 1pm UK time, as the OP said, the game is very unresponsive. Loading takes exceptionally long times, sometimes you time out for example, as well as the aforementioned issues listed by the OP.

    Whilst I accept that back-ups have to be taken at some point in the day, and let's face it, it's necessary, a few worldwide broadcasts (maybe one at the point back-ups start, and one at the point the back-ups end) would inform those that are sometimes wondering 'what the heck?'.
    Could we add to this that we would prefer the updates to be done at a time as well that does not include our prime time? Getting home from work at 6pm and being told the update will be done by 10pm ruins my monday ritual of detoxing on DDO by thrashing monsters looking like my employees

    Now that DDO is going global I defintely believe a relook at current schedules is needed. Something that won't upset current clients and won't upset incoming new ones. I'm ok with something being done in my morning but being done during my prime time (backups and updates), it seethes....
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  5. #5
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Well, it'd eliminate the posts about losing items from the shared bank and AH... but cause a bunch of posts of "why does the backup take so long I paid good money for my game time" etc etc etc.
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery toaf's Avatar
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    I do hate the backup Oclock time. it seems to allways be around the time i am clearing out my inv and selling things, MAYBE they need to find a way to make it 1 hour later EVERYday so it changes OR just post times (hopefulyl difrent times of the day) its gona happen. I cant help what time of the day i play really. but i am kinda thinking im getting the short end of the stick. NO one should have to deal with it everyday. but if everyone has to deal with it say 1 day a week it wouldnt hurt so much
    i find myself and others saying "glad im not paying for this ****" vip from ftp beta till 10.9.2012 fix it...fix it Now!

  7. #7
    Community Member jamad1's Avatar
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    Yes, but imagine if every day it was one hour later....until sunday, then it six hours sooner.

    Gotta keep a schedule!
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