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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default A few GUI suggestions

    - Have you ever been looting a chest and decided your teammate could make better use of an item that you just got? But he had looted the chest before you, so by the time you click the drop-down and assign it to him, he's halfway to the next battle? He should see a brief message on his screen saying "Your teammate Frodough has left a Wand of Bless in a chest for you."

    - When you get an invite from a team that's LFM, or a request to join your team, you're tempted to make a snap decision, yes or no. Declining may seem rude. Besides, maybe your decision would be based on what the other person wants to do, or something. Of course you can start a chat with the other person, but that makes two separate tasks to do. A hassle.

    When you send an invite, it would be cool if you could type into the chat window: /invite Frodough, Hey this is Shawn using my new Wizard. Want to run Korthos quests? Frodough would see the regular invitation dialog, with your greeting. In addition to Decline and Accept buttons, there would be a Tell button (like on the Grouping screen) so he could message you before answering.

    Similarly, when you're on the Grouping screen, the Join button should let you include some kind of message such as "Is that quest long? I have to log off in half an hour." The party leader could decide whether to accept or decline.

    - Now that some items have Augment slots, can you add some kind of symbol to their icons to show that? It's already hard enough to tell the multiple cloaks or boots apart in my pack or hotbar -- let alone in a vendor/auction window.

    - The Grouping window lets you hide quests you don't own. Can you please do the same on the Quest Journal and Adventure Compendium?

    - Is there any way we could give names to our weapons and other items? When buying weapons on the AH, I might be amused to see a +3 Maul called "Maul of America". Or I might buy it just so I could give it a serious name. Like "Darth".
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  2. #2
    Community Member Alabore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shawnvw View Post
    He should see a brief message on his screen saying "Your teammate Frodough has left a Wand of Bless in a chest for you."
    But most people would ignore that.

    When you send an invite, it would be cool if you could type into the chat window: /invite Frodough, Hey this is Shawn using my new Wizard. Want to run Korthos quests?
    Other players already suggested reworking the join window into something different.
    Maybe a subtler message in party chat that does not steal focus from ongoing action.

    - Now that some items have Augment slots, can you add some kind of symbol to their icons to show that?
    A way to sort and tell gear apart would be nice.
    Maybe small coloured beads.
    And, please, consider making slotted items wearable even by no-guild characters.

    - The Grouping window lets you hide quests you don't own. Can you please do the same on the Quest Journal and Adventure Compendium?
    Would be nice if DDO could automatically compare social panel and our compendium, and show which party are doing quest/diffs we haven't cleared yet.

    - Is there any way we could give names to our weapons and other items? When buying weapons on the AH, I might be amused to see a +3 Maul called "Maul of America". Or I might buy it just so I could give it a serious name. Like "Darth".
    /not signed.
    Too much room for defacing from illiterate/rude people.
    We don't need each and every +1 dagger to be given a unique name.

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  3. #3
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alabore View Post
    Everything Alabore said: signed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  4. #4
    Community Member theb's Avatar
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    If the devs do that, where will they find the time to create more quests for levels 5-8, nerf things, and create bugs?

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alabore View Post
    A way to sort and tell gear apart would be nice.
    Maybe small coloured beads.
    Perfect! A row of 1-4 colored beads (for Tiny through Large) along the bottom or side of the icon, or in a cluster in a corner.
    Got complaints about the in-game hirelings?
    That's nothing compared to what they say about YOU

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