OP, your stats are actually a better set-up for an offensive caster. It wouldn't be a bad character at all if you continued to focus on Wisdom, but if you want better melee power... I'd suggest a re-roll.
Take a look at Impaqt's Superior Soul build:
It may be what you're looking for.
The problem with staying pure on a TWF Favored Soul is that feats are so tight. You need 3 feats for TWF, you need Impoved Crit, you need Power Attack. That only leaves 3 slot (on a human) for metamagics, of which you'll want Quicken, Empower Spell/Empower Healing, Maximize and probably Extend. Oh, and don't forget Toughness, which I highly recommend you take. So you see, some comprimises have to be made. Impaqt's build is the best I've seen so far for that.
This is why most TWF Souls splash monk or fighter, to get the 2 extra feats. But if you're willing to make the comprimises, then you can get what you want in your build.
Good luck.
My build uses just Maximize and dumps WIS. While I notice that my BB's aren't as powerful as a full-on offensive caster's, it does the job fine. Maximized, Extended and with Superior Potency VI it does quite a bit of damage. Yeah, evasion mobs usually walk right though it, but I've yet to see an evasion mob that I couldn't beat down with a greatsword with little effort.
I agree with you, though. Going melee, it's best to ignore most offensive spells, especially for a newcomer to the class and even more so with a 28 pt build. But I still feel BB is definitely worth taking, even with WIS as a dump stat.