Which of the two does more DPS? TWF or THF Pally? and why? and under what build circumstance?
Which of the two does more DPS? TWF or THF Pally? and why? and under what build circumstance?
2WF hands down with the possible exception of the Epic SOS on a pure Pali. Other than that one weapon 2wf for sure.
GROAN-1 (Melee/Casting Horc FVS)
TWF with KoTC for sure. With Hunter of Dead, pretty close until capstone/DM IV, where TWF probably pulls ahead again.
At early levels the 1.5 from STR and x2 from PA put THF ahead, but as more and more flat bonuses apply (KoTC+Capstone+Divine Favor+Divine Might) to every strike, TWF dominates.
This gives a pretty thorough explanation of why TWF will outshine THF for a paladin, pretty much every time. --> http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p...99&postcount=2
TWF tends to win for all classes. Barbarian has waffled back and forth a bit but TWF still generally wins there too.
THF is pretty good for hate tanking as fewer big hits can out-agro more smaller hits. And THF DPS is still very good, just not as good as TWF.
It really comes down to the simple fact that anything boosting your damage is going to add twice with TWF and once with THF. (its a bit more complicated than all that, but it does boil down that way)