I want to make a character that can tank a lot and survive a majority of encounters or go with taking no or minimal hits [dps is not really intended but would be nice]
So I am wanting to make a high AC fighter by making a dexterity-based fighter is there a correct way to do this? This is on a new server, so I've got nothing, if anyone would help me out with this, it would be great.
I am thinking of rolling up a Dwarf, max out dex to 18.
Then go around with a tower-shield, full plate and get the Fighter tower shield mastery and get the Dwarven and Fighter armor mastery enhancements to increase max dex bonus and keep increasing dex until I hit the max dex bonus of the enhancements then I will either increase strength or constitution if possible... little unsure about feats but I will get [maybe Toughness] however I WILL get Combat Expertize (+5 AC -5 attack) is this a good idea?
Is high AC better than high hp? Or is a high hp character better at surviving? Would this work? Any flaws in this idea? Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance -- DeathKillTank.