I got a Sun Blade earlier and don't see how it's worth so much $$ on the auction house. It seems like a similar level holy/holy burst weapon would be better. Is there something about it I'm missing?
I got a Sun Blade earlier and don't see how it's worth so much $$ on the auction house. It seems like a similar level holy/holy burst weapon would be better. Is there something about it I'm missing?
You should know by now that the AH is more overpriced than a bottle of water at the supermarket. Not worth 1 million.
Yes...they are worth 1 million gold.
They are minimum level 6. At level 6 you are running Delera's Tomb a lot and possibly Cave of Korromor and many other undead quest.
You will out grow them...but from like 6 till 10 they are absolute death blender.
I do NOT recommend them for a new player. But for a person that is TRing or use it as a Twink item.
If you are new and short of gold/plat...sell it and use that to flesh out other gear slots.
When I came back to the game I pulled a Bloodstone and sold it to flesh out all my other gear.
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
If you can get 100k plat (or 1 million gold) for it more power to you. I personally don't think it would go for that much or is worth that much. It should sell if it's priced for about 1/2 of that.
However, there are some players out there with more plat then they know what to do with and are willing to spend huge money on whatever they think will improve themselves by even a small degree. Even at on a low level, situational weapon.
Sun Blade is a horrible weapon in my book...
1. It isnt a two-hander.
2. See point 1.
3. Isn't blunt
Q: Is it a weapon that is sellable on AH?
A: Yes.
Q: What is it worth?
A: Check AH for any other sunblades, price is accordingly...
Last edited by 78mackson; 08-04-2010 at 06:59 PM.
Camp Naughty Bad FunJichael Mackson
Nope. It is a one-handed weapon. It's a slashing shortsword. Go figure. imho the Sunblade is not worth much plat. It is situational even amongst undead. It's slashing so it's not that great vs. skeletons who have dr/bludgeoning. Of course it is better than a regular bludgeoning weapon, but a holy or holyburst maul would be better than the sunblade in many situations, even when fighting undead.
"Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?" -JC
Minstral of Mayhem
Aces over Kings
I buy all the items on the auction house that people think are overpriced. I am responsible for any price that seems inflated. Your welcome.