I wanted to create an all out Dps Palidan. At the Moment I am pretty sure this is one of, if not
the highest Dps paladan out there.
This just in!!! I can Not post about this Being a Dps paladin for people with only 32 point builds out there! This is not a Dps paladin at all matter of fact. I dont have Dm4 or any epic gear. or 2 past life feats.! I am sorry for ever claiming this and stirring you to think that hey this may be a great Dps build. Please just move along because this is just your average run of the road paladin.
Class: Paladin 20
Race: Warforged
Allignment: Lawful Good.
Starting Stats:
Str 16
Dex 15
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 6
Cha 14
Ending Stats:
Str 28 (16 base + 5 level + 6 item + + 1 exc.)
go 16 base 5 level 6 item 3 exceptional 2 tome for 32..... please.....
Dex 20 (15 base + + 5 item)
2 tome or no itwf/gtwf
Con 24 (14 base + + 6 item + 3 exc. + 1 enh.)
3 exceptional on con but not str? i'd say con's lucky to get 1 exceptional..... my preffered setup would be {14 base +2 tome + 6 item + 2 enhancements <if you can fit it in> else 1 enhancement + 1 exceptional (dt)} giving 24 con
Int 10 (8 base + 2 tome)
Wis 12 (6 base + 6 item)
cool..... so no zeal..... -10% hits..... got it.... add a +2 tome here or camp at 13 till you do. yes zeal is THAT good
Cha 22 (14 base + e + 2 enh. + 6 item)
+2 tome for DM 3 and a +7 to saves instead of the +6
Doesn't matter
Enhancement: Paladin Courage of Good II
Enhancement: Paladin Energy of the Templar II
Enhancement: Paladin Charisma II
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Lay on Hands III
Enhancement: Divine Might III
Enhancement: Paladin Extra Smite Evil IV
Enhancement: Paladin Exalted Smite IV
Enhancement: Paladin Divine Sacrifice III
Enhancement: Bladesworn Transformation
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Paladin Knight of the Chalice III
Enhancement: Paladin Weapons of Good
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III
Hit Points at level 20
200 Paladin levels
20 Heroic Durability
100 Con
24 con = 140 hp.
20 Enhancements
30 GFL
10 Favor
45 Shroud item
22 toughness
16 Rage spell
463 HP
Two weapon fighting
Power Attack
Improved two weapon fighting
Improved critical: slashing (change to piercing when you get 2 Mineral II)
Greater two weapon fighting
Oversized two weapon fighting
Saves Unbuffed
Fortitude: 32 (12 Paladin + 9 con
+7 con + 8 cha
+7 cha + 1 ritual + 1 exc.
what? i think you mean +5 item + 1 aura)
34 fort not 32
Reflex: 28 (6 Paladin + 7 dex
+6 + 8 cha
+7 + 5 res + 1 ritual + 1 aura)
Will: 27 (6 Paladin + 3 wis
+2 wis with a +2 tome + 8 cha
+7 cha + 5 res + 3 exc.
from? + 1 ritual + 1 aura)
21 will with a +2 tome
Saves Self Buffed
Fortitude: 39 (+ 4 GH + 2 reci + 1 rage)
37. 41 with holy aura
Reflex: 35 (+ 4 GH + 1 haste +2 reci)
33. 37 with holy aura
Will: 33 (+ 4 GH + 2 reci)
rage adds 1 here as well iir..... 28 will. 32 with holy aura
Skill Points:
UMD and jump.
11 ranks
+6 shroud item
+8 cha item
+5 seven fingered gloves
+4 gh
+2 head
35 fully buffed and geared 28 walking around 27 unless he slotted the +1 cha somewhere i didn't see
Main hand - Mineral Khopesh, +1 or +2 CON, Holy, Acid Effect.
Off hand - Mineral Khopesh, Holy/Acid, Acid
Armor - Dragontouched: GFL, +2 Cha
cannot appear here, Guard Effect (STR Depends on stacking)
Bracers - Leviks +6 STR +20% Healing
Ring - Encrusted
+8 str +1 cha lorinthors don't remember ravager's stats atm.
Boots - madstone/Striders
Gloves - Spectral/+6 Dex
Ring - +6 Con
redundant put a tod ring w/ +2 cha on it here
Belt - Knosts
lorinthors with KotC 3 ravagers otherwise
Cloak - +5 resistance cloak w/ Resistance Ritual
Trinket - bloodstone
Necklace - Torc (unlimited Sp)
unlimited sp if you maintain aggro......
Helmet - minos legens
Goggles - Tharnes goggles, +5 SA, true seeing, +15 search, +15 spot.
Strengths .v. Weaknesses
+High DPS
good dps. not highest but good
+High saves
no just no.....
+Decent UMD
when fully geared yes
+High HP
my no TR 20 paladin human sat at 517 and was half gimped. fixed he'll be at the same.... you can't call this high hp......
-Sacrifices conventional paladin stuff for DPS (i.e. bulwark of good and the like)
-No evasion
-Low AC
-Heavily clicky based, meaning actual dps will be lower than the caclulated
smites/sacrifices do not have an activation time and you don't cast zeal so... clicky?
Dps Calc [color=yellow will post my numbers below[/color]
528.63 With Divine Sacrifice
Average Smite Damage: