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  1. #1
    Community Member thoryndar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Pure Drow Rogue Assassin Finesse End Game Gear

    Yes, I've read this thread.

    Main / Off : Dual Treasons / Dual Radiance Rapiers / Rad Rapier, Rad SS
    Helm: Minos / GS (45HP, SS, +45HP)
    Armor: Icy Raiment
    Goggles: Tharnes
    Ring 1: Whisper Band
    Ring 2: Tumbleweed
    Bracers: Tharne's
    Cloak: of the Zephyr
    Trinket: Dusk Heart / Bloodstone
    Belt: Awantu (SP?) Sash / Belt of the Defenders of Siberys
    Boots: 25% Striders of Balance (until they fix 30's)
    Necklace: Silver Flame Amulet
    Gloves: 7 Fingered Gloves (for UMD, Primarily, skills are nice though)


    1) If the Tharne's Goggles are the top end for SA bonus and do not stack with the Assassin Set, then the Assassin's Belt is of little use to me (besides the Hate Gen Reduction - I don't really see a point in the level drain)

    2) Does the Assassin PrE itself offer a Seeker bonus? I've heard about this not / stacking, but not sure if the PrE is on a separate table. This would adjust my descision on the trinket slot, and subsuquently, on the belt (Cloak offers Displacement, to me, overriding the DH, but only if the belt of DoS is equipped for HP)

    3) Tiny bit worried about the lack of a FF item, but I think at this level my tumble will be around 35.

    Thoughts? Help me out, please.

  2. #2
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    its more than just the lvl drain +2hit/dam

    Tumbleweed no Spectral gloves yes Epic them if you can. more dex more 2hit
    A GS (HP)Smoke cloak would do you better than the Zephyr
    7fingers are situational do you really need it that high all the time

    The AssassinI poison is supposed to give you +20 to crit confirmations SA only

    A strength ring w/exp con would be a good way
    Kensai set
    Purple Dragon Knight set
    Epic duskheart is much better or a pouch of jerky/ the Head
    Boots of the innocent
    I never wear a FF item full time sometimes I dont bother with it all

  3. #3
    Community Member thoryndar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Much obliged. Thanks.

    +1 for you.

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