Hi Welcome, Argo. etc.
So yeh, I've done a few of the "easier" raids, Reavers, Hound, VOD, Shroud, SOS (6man, whatever). I've broken free from being a clueless lemming to running the pug raids myself.
I'd like to check out some of the others, Titan, TOD, VON... I've never done them, never been through the flagging procedure, and don't have a clue where to begin. So I was hoping to find some people that wouldn't mind tossing an open spot in a raid or a flagging group my way. If you see me online and you need an extra body, I'm on most of the time as "Bzzt" (Sorc) or "Tangesazen" (Monk). I'm still quite newbish, but I can play my characters, and I'm generally not a menace unless you count my spelling in party chat.