Hi everyone,
As the title mentions, I'm an experienced player since closed Beta. My static group and myself took a year hiatus about a month after the lvl cap went to 20.
I have a lvl 18 & 4.5/5 Sorc (Trailblazer) and a lvl 17 Barb (Herndo). I'm having some real trouble getting all of these new essences and getting raid ready for the last couple of raids. (That enter the kobald is not that fun with a pure pug)
I'm certainly not a newb, and I'm nearly done with my week long spell and feat swaps to catch up on all the new changes. It's just that my new guild is just made up of 5 of my old ddo friends and some of they're coworkers who are F2P. (I am VIP) So we run lowbies together a few times a week, but I'm looking for some time on my high lvl and PUG's just aren't working too well.
Please let me know if you can help, thanks.
Trailblazer or Herndo