How about having a new tab put in place on the social tab windows for guild recruiting only.
How about having a new tab put in place on the social tab windows for guild recruiting only.
Dravun , Yocoba, Daivik, and so many more.
Proud to serve the Imperial Assassins!
Do not drink the awesome-sauce......One must BE the awesome-sauce.
Brilliant idea! There are such systems in place in other games, no reason why it wouldn't work here.
I see what you did there!
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
I'd still say no. I'd rather recruit with people I randomly join with and I can see how they act and play.
Also, isn't it annoying to look for a group, any group, and there be 5 people recruiting in the LFG panel? Come on....
The point of what I am suggesting is that it would be up to you wether or not you wanted to see someone advertising they are recruiting.
The reason for the suggestion was in response to someone complaining about LFM's posting guild recruitment messages.
I am suggesting another tab in the social window for this purpose only.
Right now in the social panel we have:
Groups | Guild | Friends | Who | {Recruiting} | <------- This would be the additional tab .
I am suggesting, giving the option for people to search this tab for guilds that are currently recruiting. This would end the excessive recruitment ads currently upsetting some people in the grouping social window.
Dravun , Yocoba, Daivik, and so many more.
Proud to serve the Imperial Assassins!
Do not drink the awesome-sauce......One must BE the awesome-sauce.
Much needed to keep them off the LFM board.
My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.
well... if we add recruiting... we add trade as well... which is something you cant turn down, however I'd be more worried about the spamming of groups or posts on those 2 tabs, surely there are over 2k guilds per server about 100 will probably be on the least if they made a trade panel is might see a more moderate usage rather than the extreme overpowering numbers of recruiting guilds
Khyber-Nuic, Zapn, Alixer, Nuiq
I agree a trade panel may be a good idea as well.
Dravun , Yocoba, Daivik, and so many more.
Proud to serve the Imperial Assassins!
Do not drink the awesome-sauce......One must BE the awesome-sauce.