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  1. #1
    Community Member flash145's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Aegean's Grand Reopening of the Market Bazzar

    Some items are for sale by plat, Some items are for trade. Post or PM w/ the item and bid amount. I'll respond on whether I am selling or trading only. Ty for your interest.


    Surefooted boots 20% stride / +10 balance lvl 11
    Chaosgarde +2 dodge / chaosguard lvl 9
    Ethereal Bracers x2 Parry and Ghost touch
    +6 Wis helm lvl 13
    Ring of Shadows +10hide & sneak /Dusk lvl 11
    DI /IFL ring lvl 11
    DI/GFL ring lvl 13
    +6 Str ring lvl 13
    +6 Str lfl ring lvl 15
    Ring of the Stormreaver prophecy +5 wis +2 resist lvl 13
    Ring of Unknown Origins DI/PI +3 int/char lvl 11
    GLR +1 char ring lvl 13
    FF / +11 swim ring lvl 15
    PAP/GFL belt lvl 15
    DI/GFL belt lvl 13
    Helm of Freewill 17SR/ immununity to fear lvl 11
    +6 Str /+3 repair gloves lvl 15
    +6 char / 3x enfeeble ring lvl 15 2ticks dmg
    Necropolis Shield piece set x2
    Necropolis Tome page set x1

    +3 wounding rapier of greater giant bane lvl 16
    +2 wounding rapier of greater gaint bane lvl 14
    +1 wounding dwarvenaxe of greater giant bane lvl 12
    +2 ghosttouch longsword of disruption lvl 14
    +2 holy scimitar of greater undead bane lvl 12
    +2 holy longsword of greater undead bane lvl 12
    +1 holy longsword of greater evil outsider bane lvl 10
    +3 vicious scimitar of smiting lvl 16
    +1 Para scimitar of pg lvl 12
    +2 weakening of enfeebling scimitar lvl 12
    +1 weakening of enfeebling scimitar lvl 10

    GFR cloak lvl 11
    30% stride +7 balance boots lvl 19
    Belt of Thoughtful Remeberence lvl13:
    +5 cons / +13 conc / 20% neg energy absorb
    Widowweave cloak x2 lvl 11:
    acid resist / lesser spear block / web immunity
    +6 char +1 resist cloak lvl 15
    Ring of Unknown Origins DI/PI +3 int/char lvl 11

    Glove of the Forgottem Craft lvl 13:
    +13 disable +3 dex Throw weapon prof
    +6 dex gloves lvl 13
    +6 dex / +3 jump ring lvl 15
    +6 str ring rr drow/elf lvl 11
    +6 str bracer lvl 13
    +6 str / 3x jumpring lvl 15
    +6 str gloves lvl 13
    +6 str belt lvl 13
    +6 str / lfl belt lvl 15
    DI / GFL ring lvl 13
    +2 str / GFL ring lvl 15
    Wizardry 6 (150sp) ring lvl 13
    FF / +11jump ring lvl 15
    30% stride / +3 tumble ring lvl 15
    Gleaming Adamantine plate lvl 10: +4 ada / command / pap
    Jinx’s Armor lvl 10: +5 Mith / Sup Dev 4 / – 4 will save
    +5 LLG mith fullplate lvl 10
    +5 blueshine mith fp of stability lvl 12
    +4 LLG mith fp of axeblock lvl 12
    Necropolis Tome page set x1

    +2 wounding longbow of puncturing lvl 12
    +3 wounding shortbow of puncturing lvl 14
    +6 wis / +3 bluff ring lvl 15
    +6 wis / +3bluff necklace lvl 15
    +6 con / 3x shock grasp ring lvl 15
    +15 swim ring lvl 15
    +15 balance ring lvl 15

    Scrouge Choker lvl 11
    +6 dex ring lvl 13
    +6 dex / +3dd gloves lvl 15
    +6 char / +1 resist ring lvl 15
    PaP / GFL belt lvl 13
    +5 con / lfl ring lvl 13
    +6 con ring lvl 13
    +6 con / lf lvl 15
    +6 con / SR13 rr elf/drow lvl 15
    +6 str belt lvl 13
    +6 con / lfl lvl 15
    +6 con lvl 13
    +6 con / +3 perf lvl 15
    30% stride /+3j ump lvl 15
    +5 wis necklace lvl 11
    +6 wis necklace lvl 13
    +6 wis / +3 bluff lvl 15
    +6 dex boots lvl 13
    30% stride/ +3 swim lvl 15
    +6 char cloak lvl 13 1 tick
    FF / +10 jump ring lvl 13
    +15 balance rr elf/drow lvl 13

    30% stride boots lvl 13
    30% stride ring lvl 13
    PoP 10 lvl 9 x3
    2x +1 ghost touch kamas of disruption lvl 12
    +5 resist cloak lvl 17
    +7AC bracer lvl 15
    GFR ring lvl 11
    FF ring / +11 jump lvl 15
    +15 haggle necklace lvl 15

    +2 holy burst/icyburst rapier of pg lvl 12
    +5 metalline scimi of pg lvl 14
    +2 metalline scimi of greater evil outsider lvl 12
    +1 vorpal kukri lvl 10
    +4 icy burst rapier of maiming lvl 12
    +4 vicious longsword of greater construct bane lvl 14
    +2 holy shortsword of greater undead bane rr wf lvl 10
    +3 weakening/enfeebling khop lvl 14
    +1 para khop of pg lvl 12
    +3 holy burst khop of pg lvl 14
    +4 shocking burst/icyburst ada khop of pg lvl 12
    30% stride boots lvl 13
    +13 haggle ring lvl 13
    +15 haggle ring lvl 15
    FF ring of +10 jump lvl 13
    FF ring of +10swim lvl 13
    FF ring of +10tumble lvl 13
    +2 char ring of GSR lvl 15
    +15 swim ring lvl 15
    GAR ring lvl 11
    +6 str of lfl lvl 15
    +6 wis necklace rr wf lvl 11
    Bluefire necklace lvl 13
    Helm of Archmagi lvl 17

    MULE #1
    20x +2 strength tomes
    20x +2 constitution tomes
    20x +2 intelligence tomes
    20x +2 dexterity tomes
    20x +2 wisdom tomes
    20x +2 charisma tomes

    Looking For:
    Vibrant Purple Ion stone w/ suppressed power
    Int Ion stone w/ suppressed power
    Spell Absorption ion stone w/ suppressed power
    Red Dragon Scales
    Mentau's Goggles
    +X acid or force greater undead bane handwraps
    +X metaline/pure good or bleeding or GEOB handwraps
    +X force/greater construct bane handwraps
    +X holy greater undead bane warhmmer
    +X anarchic adamantine dwarvenaxe of greater construct bane x2
    +X holy adamantine khopesh of greater construct bane x2
    Epic Scrolls:
    Goggles of Spectral Sight
    Cloak of the Silver Concord
    Chaosblade x2
    Unkor's Cleaver x2
    3 Parts Potassium Nitrate, 1/2 part Charcoal and 1/2 part Sulfur add external heat source and PHOOSH!!!!!
    Aegean-Clr, Balar-Ftr,Cyclonik-Wiz, Davir-Rog, Soroden-Sorc, Towong-Mnk, Waring-Rng

  2. #2
    Founder Indel_Eventine's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Let me know what you are looking for for these. I think I have that cloak scroll.

    Ethereal Bracers
    Ring of the Stormreaver prophecy +5 wis +2 resist lvl 13
    Belt of Thoughtful Remeberence lvl13:
    +5 cons / +13 conc / 20% neg energy absorb

    Not looking for tomes, but let me pause and say WOW....
    20x +2 strength tomes
    20x +2 constitution tomes
    20x +2 intelligence tomes
    20x +2 dexterity tomes
    20x +2 wisdom tomes
    20x +2 charisma tomes

    Well, for future reference, how much are they,

    Looking For:
    Cloak of the Silver Concord
    Athealas - L20 Dr Cl, Indel - L20 Elf Rngr(ranged), Zirak - L20 Dw Barb(2WF), Axen - L13 Dw Barb(2HF), Aghilles - L20 H Ranger(Tempest), Ankalegon - L20 Dr Sorc, Ingole - L7 TR2X Drow Mage, Azealas - L18 Dr Cl, Kamaivin - L20 H Mo, Turaneuma, L13 Dr Mechanic Rogue

  3. #3
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Indel_Eventine View Post

    Not looking for tomes, but let me pause and say WOW....
    20x +2 strength tomes
    20x +2 constitution tomes
    20x +2 intelligence tomes
    20x +2 dexterity tomes
    20x +2 wisdom tomes
    20x +2 charisma tomes

    Well, for future reference, how much are they,
    I thought both of the same things!

    You could build an entire party of characters with 0 point buy just using tomes (assuming they stacked). I think you need to start doing something with, using them for insulation or rolling paper or something.
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  4. #4
    Founder Indel_Eventine's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Indel_Eventine View Post
    Let me know what you are looking for for these. I think I have that cloak scroll.

    Ethereal Bracers
    Ring of the Stormreaver prophecy +5 wis +2 resist lvl 13
    Belt of Thoughtful Remeberence lvl13:
    +5 cons / +13 conc / 20% neg energy absorb

    Not looking for tomes, but let me pause and say WOW....
    20x +2 strength tomes
    20x +2 constitution tomes
    20x +2 intelligence tomes
    20x +2 dexterity tomes
    20x +2 wisdom tomes
    20x +2 charisma tomes

    Well, for future reference, how much are they,

    Looking For:
    Cloak of the Silver Concord
    I do have the cloak scroll.
    Athealas - L20 Dr Cl, Indel - L20 Elf Rngr(ranged), Zirak - L20 Dw Barb(2WF), Axen - L13 Dw Barb(2HF), Aghilles - L20 H Ranger(Tempest), Ankalegon - L20 Dr Sorc, Ingole - L7 TR2X Drow Mage, Azealas - L18 Dr Cl, Kamaivin - L20 H Mo, Turaneuma, L13 Dr Mechanic Rogue

  5. #5
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    So tempted to trade you something for that tome page set so i can burn it on a Razorend.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

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