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    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default Time for OUR list of known issues.

    Note: Sirgog has a good list of issues that he wishes will be fixed since Update 6 here I will update this thread bsed on his findings when they are implemented. (We can hope) For my own reference, Cyr has mentioned quite a few bugs here that I'll update this one on soon. More news on bug fixes, thank you MadFloyd!

    Okay, I'm getting sick of it. If Turbine won't update their list of known issues, WE WILL. Please post here ALL the spell bugs, UI bugs, gameplay bugs, etc that you know of here and I will try my best to update them all. Also, since this is more of a Bug List than the Official Known Issues, I will delete irrelevant Issues from the 'Official Known Issues'. If you want to talk about a bug, this is the place to do so. DO note that this list is for reference only and be sure to report ALL bugs you encounter using the bug report as Tolero tells you to do. Exploits of ANY kind should NOT be posted here so as to strictly abide by the forum guidelines.

    Any issues with Tolero's statement should be done in another thread, preferably this one

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    I appreciate the effort! Couple of notes for everyone's sanity:
    1. If you're reporting bugs, make sure you've done so in the bug reporting tool (which can be accessed outside the game) also. The forums are not a bug reporting tool, and posting them only to the forums can actually delay a fix.
    2. Our "known issues list" is not intended as a list of every bug we know about. It is a list of bugs we don't need more reports about. We very often don't put things on the list because we WANT you to keep filing bug reports on them if we're looking for more information or a sense of the impact of the bug.
    Known Bugs:

    To start off, we will copy and paste the 'official' one just so we can get the format right.

    Of Special Note

    1) NEW - From roughly 6:45 to 8:15 am EST daily, there will be horrific lag due to Turbine backups. You may lose items from the mailbox and bank. You may not be able to interact with NPCs. Players may get stuck on loading screens. Do note that this issue has been acknowledged and promises of a gradual improvement over time has been made.

    NOTE: If you are awarded TP in-game due to favor completions during this time, sometimes you will NOT be given the TP at all. Please remember to check that you have received the TP after every 'Favor Milestone' and if you still have not received the TP after 24-48 hours, report it to the support staff.

    2) NEW - Voice Of The Master trinket is not showing the +5% XP bonus at the end of a quest while equipped. You will indeed get the 4% of XP (4% not 5%) but it will not be displayed in the XP list in a dungeon. Only a display error.

    3) NEW - When entering a HUGE explorer area such as Sands of Menechtarun, Vale of Twilight, Gianthold, players may experience a crash of the game client.

    4) NEW - Drinking a potion, then moving forward while you are drinking the potion cancels the animation (and the effect) of the potion, but still puts all potions on cooldown.

    5) If your quest fails to complete, logging out and back in can re-update your quest status to grant the completion. Make sure you have someone in the quest to keep the instance active for you while attempting this work-around. Solo players please note: logging out and back in may help, but only if your instance does not reset in the process. If the instance resets you will need to redo the quest.

    6) Players have reported that they sometimes have trouble climbing up long ladders due to hitching or becoming caught in the middle of the ladder. Many of these "sticky" ladders have been fixed, but there may be other locations. If you come across a sticky ladder, please submit a bug report from the location of the ladder.

    7) The DDO Unlimited key mapping will over-ride existing Stormreach key maps. Make a copy of your 'ddo.keymap' file before using DDO Unlimited to retain your old settings.

    10) NEW - Players will notice that upon logging in, your character will be stripped of all equipment and then re-equipped causing any temporary HP and SP to be removed. Additionally, players with Whirling Steel Strike will notice that they will become uncentered when wielding weapons and their Ki will be drained until the game fully loads.

    11) NEW - All buffs you had while in a dungeon will be removed if you log out and log in again within a dungeon.

    12) NEW - It is rare, but people who put their ingredient/collectible bags in the shared bank will have said bags vanish with all their contents. Use at your own risk. Also note that if you try to place a stack of items into the Shared Bank when a stack of the same item is already present, any excess stacks will disappear.

    Guilds & Airships

    1) Casting implosion on a training dummy will cause it to become invisible.

    2) NEW - Guild Reagents brought prior to the patch on 2nd August 2010 do not currently work.

    3) NEW - Items with no augment slot and minimum guild level (greater than 1) are still dropping.

    5) NEW - Guild members who aren't officers who try to open a small guild chest on their airship will get the message that "only members of the guild can access the guild chest".

    6) NEW - The aft exit from below deck on someone else's Windspyre Falcon may take you to the deck of my Stormglory Bolt. The fore exit works correctly and will take you to the Windspyre Falcon's deck.

    Replication steps:
    1. Be a member of a guild with an airship.
    2. Get invited to another guild's Windspyre Falcon airship.
    3. Go below deck.
    4. Return from below deck via the aft exit (the one with the ramp, not the ladder).
    5. Arrive at your own deck.

    DDO Store

    1) The search option has difficulty with search queries on items that are less than 3 letters long, or that are plural. (examples: you may not get any search results from searching for "+3" instead of "+3 weapon", or "quivers" instead of "quiver").

    5) Scrollbars erroneously appear on dropdown menus, but you can't scroll without closing the menu.

    6) Crafting menu is obscured by the scrollbar.

    9) Scroll and Potion vendors do not link to the correct page in the Store.

    10) Some items display a different icon in the Store then the icon in your inventory.

    11) The DDO Store's automatic filtering does not recognize feats or enhancements that allow you to overcome prerequisites for some items. This can result in the Store blocking some items from appearing in your catalog because the store doesn't think you are able to use the items.

    12) Returning players who are not receiving their favor reward Turbine Points may be able to correct the issue by logging out and back into the game to receive residual Points. Refreshing the Store using the home (the house icon) button may also correct the issue.

    In Game Vendors

    1) NEW - Masei the NPC in Sands of Menectarun will not reward you for turning in Bronze Tokens if you have not entered the associated Explorer Area. (Confrim?)

    3) The Armor Broker in Amarath is not currently brokering armor, but clothing instead.

    4) Agrimor, the Level 1 - 3 Arcane reagents vendor, has run out of supplies of Licorice (Level 3 Bard Component). Agrimor is expecting a fresh shipment of Licorice in the future.


    1) Items listed in the auction house and placed in the shared bank do not display their properties. Relisting the auction house item and moving the item out of, and back into, the shared bank will resolve this display issue.

    2) Grazing hits from monsters are not showing in the combat log.

    3) NEW - When creating a new character, increasing stats in Con and your main spellcasting stat will not show an increase in HP and SP.

    4) NEW - Character attack animations are not synchonised with the sounds associated with it.

    5) NEW - The Adventure Compendium may sometimes show a blank or a duplicate for each quest. To bypass this, log out and log in again. You may need to close the client and restart it.

    6) NEW - Casting a spell/spell-like ability/skill/etc from the hotbar may sometimes not land on a target (such as a buff) but will consume SP/start the cooldown nonetheless.

    7) NEW - Shooting multiple arrows at once may cause a few arrows to disappear.

    8) NEW - When first logging into the game, players may notice that the LFM page appear to have groups with no members in it. This is the game trying to load the LFM page and waiting/zoning into another area will fix this (sorta).

    9) NEW - The LFM page now defaults to appear on the top left corner of the screen every login. (WAI maybe?)

    10) NEW - Zoning or logging in will usually cause many copies of the buffs you have to scroll above your character, for instance when you zone into an area you will usually see half a dozen or more "blessing of the silver flame" icon appear above your character's head often overlapping one another.

    11) NEW - The tooltip boxes for the metal Companion enhancements have a duration marked as 10 minutes, but the description underneath says five minutes.

    12) NEW - Players and monsters may be able to 'merge' with a door. If the door closes while you are sufficiently close to it (preferably ON it), you can either go in or out and attack from there. Additionally, monsters who go near closed doors (whether they were there when the door was closing or not) can still attack players who are near the door as well. i.e. Their attacks go THROUGH the door.


    1) The in-game reincarnation text incorrectly states that your normal bank inventory is not placed in the reincarnation cache. All bank inventory is placed in the reincarnation cache with your equipment and personal inventory. Items in the shared bank are not placed in the reincarnation cache.

    2) NEW - Players who have purchased additional bank slots from the DDO Store may not be able to access their bank at all after True Reincarnating.

    3) NEW - After a TR you're left with all your old macro bars, empty and out of position and piled up on the right hand side of the screen.

    4) NEW - When you empty your TR cache you get a "buy now" button show up which takes you to a place on the DDO store that says "This offer is not available for purchase at this time".

    5) NEW - The message given when you try to TR with items still in your TR cache has "<rgb=#000000>" in front and "</rgb>" at the end of it.


    2) NEW - Hirelings may suddenly quit your party for no apparent reason.

    3) NEW - A hireling that has been told to remain in place will not come when called (unless you first allow them to move again).

    4) A Cleric who has been cursed or who serves a cursed player will keep casting cure spells until it runs out of spell points.

    5) Monsters that are set to not attack players will still attack hirelings.

    6) You may experience problems when hirelings are in your party for the quests Dreams of Insanity and Maze of Madness.

    7) NEW - Hirelings are unable to use the first shrine in the quest 'Jungle of Khyber' and will disappear after standing near the shrine for too long.

    8) NEW - The hireling 'Castle' has a permanent negative level because he is using a chaotic item and his alignment is lawful. (Not WAI? Confirm?)


    1) When casting Blade Barrier while standing in water, the spell effect will disappear immediately after it appears.

    2) When Good Hope is cast after players take advantage of Heroes' Feast at a rest shrine, the immunity for Fear and Poison will be lost.

    3) During PVP, players with the Invisibility spell cast on them can still be seen by opponent players.

    4) When a spell caster casts a Ray spell (e.g. Niac's Cold Ray, Ray of Enfeeblement, Scotching Ray, etc) at a target that is 2.5 meters away or closer, the spell misses.

    5) NEW - Rage, Prayer, Bless and Recitation are not currently working as intended. Their AOE effects have been temporarily removed.

    6) NEW - Master's Touch is still being affected by Extend despite being a permanent spell. Also, it does not grant proficiency with thrown weapons. (Please confirm)

    7) NEW - Mass Hold Monster works fine if you hard target a monster to be the center. If you do not hard target a monster, the spell takes your mana and does nothing. This is a bug introduced with Patch 1 of Update 5.

    8) NEW - Implosion is listed as not being affected by Spell Resistance but in fact it is.

    9) NEW - Polar Ray gets no benefit from the Heighten Feat but will still raise the cost of casting it.

    10) NEW - Blade Barrier will damage enemies on the other side of a door even when the door is closed.

    11) NEW - If you cast firewall (aka Wall of Fire) before a door closes on you, after the door closes it will correcly damage only monsters inside. However, if the door reopens the firewall will deal no damage at all.

    Skills, Feats, & Abilities

    1) Spell resistance provided by the monk ability Diamond Soul is not displaying properly on the character sheet. This is a visual error only, and the spell resistance is being applied.

    2) The Quick Draw feat does not have an effect on how quickly a player performs a ranged attack or switches their armor as the description indicates.

    3) When toggling Slow Fall 'off' it may not turn the effect off.

    4) NEW - Combat feats such as Trip and Stunning Blow may not activate correctly on moving mobs. Mobs will still be able to move for a split second even when the action is successful. *See Monsters*

    5) NEW - Run speeds for most spells and items are incorrect, such as striding items, expeditious retreat etc. (This is more likely due to balancing issues where they try not to allow you to run too fast while not having to give you exact values such as 23% run speed and choose to list it as 25%)

    6) NEW - The barbarian past life feat grants 5 hitpoints rather than the 1 hp per level description. And, the duration *should* be a function of your characters constitution, rather than a static 30 seconds.

    7) NEW - When checking the tooltip for a Bard's Fascinate DC, it will appear to change every second if you keep checking it. (Please confirm)

    8) NEW - Dance of the Water Strider: If you activate it while jumping into the water you may find yourself stuck underwater, you may be unable to rise to the surface as there is a barrier at the surface which can only be bypassed by finding a ladder or the shore.


    1) NEW - Stalwart Defender does not apply the stated aggro generation when in stance (i.e. defender 3 gives 200% and gives 0%).

    2) NEW - Warforged Brute Fighting can not be used when a rage effect is applied to the character.

    3) NEW - Enhancement, Paladin, Divine Might: The charisma requirement for Divine Might is listed in the description but does not show in the requirements section.

    4) NEW - The Radiant Servant Aura requires you to target yourself to be able to activate it. Note that it used to work without the need of targeting. Also, the aura is tagged as a healing effect, thus it will not break invisibility when used to attack undead.

    4.5) NEW - You can't have an enemy targeted when using the Radiant Servant Burst.

    5) NEW - The Barbarian capstone does not have an effect on glancing blows. (Also confirm please)

    6) NEW - Action Boost cooldowns can still be interrupted. (Confirm please)

    7) NEW - The Paladin Prestige Enhancement, Knight of the Chalice is not working as listed. It does not affect monsters of a certain alignment.

    8) NEW - The Acrobat I enhancement fails to apply your dex modifier to your Sneak Attack Damage as it describes it should. (Please confirm).

    9) NEW - The Warforged enhancement Great Weapon Aptitude does not function as listed. It grants no bonus to glancing blows.

    10) NEW - Pale master spell death aura (and probably lesser death aura) is affected by spell resistance and saving throws. Attempting to heal yourself with negative energy spells will fail/be half as effective if you make a save. It will also be blocked by Spell Resistance. Pale Master: Necrotic Touch breaks invisibility when used to heal yourself, because its an attack ability.

    11) NEW - Acrobat II currently denies the casting of Freedom of Movement on rogues who have taken the enhancement. Casting Freedom of Movement displays the buff effect but does not grant the immunity to hold effects. (Confirm?)


    1) The Mysterious Bauble and Epic Ring of Spell Storing text descriptions are incorrect. Their actual effects have been unchanged from pre-Update 5 form.

    2) The Phiarlan Shield absorbs good spells as well as bad.

    3) Great Axe of the Chained Soldier is an exclusive item, but it does not specify this in its description text.

    4) The 'Keen' effect does not apply properly to thrown weapons.

    5) After using a Thrown Weapon, you will need to re-equip ranged weapon ammo such as arrow or bolts.

    6) The following potions can not be used while raged. They will be updated in the future. Lesser Restoration, Neutralize Poison, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Remove Fear.

    7) NEW - The item Gloves of Titan's Grip is listed as giving a +8 Psionic bonus to Strength when it actually only gives a +6 Psionic bonus to Strength.

    8) NEW - The description of force burst on weapons is missing the line saying it does d6 on a normal hit.

    9) NEW - Wretched Twilight is listed as giving a 10% miss chance but it's been shown to be 20%.

    10) NEW - Silver Flame Lesser Healing Potion claims to heal 250hp, but only heals 100.

    11) NEW - Many effects don't apply to unarmed combat but their description implies that they should such as the Ravager ToD ring set which reads exactly like the Oremi ring set which does work with unarmed combat. Many monks have been greatly annoyed to find all their grinding for destruction on dragontouched armor doesn't do anything for them. (More of a bad choice of description but I'll leave it here for now)

    12) NEW - Seals of... Brimstone Verge, Kron'Zek's Cruelty, Grim's Bracelet and Ring of Elemental Essences don't drop (but the shards and scrolls do). (Please confirm)

    13) NEW - ToD necklaces that give action boosts subtract two boosts every time you take them off instead of just the boosts they supply.


    1) Items fixed or modified using the Stone of Change or other Eldritch Devices will sometimes not display the updated effects. This is a display bug only. Removing, and then re-equipping, the item will show the updates to the item.

    2) The 'Force Critical' and 'Force Damage' rituals from the Stone of Change do not apply appropriately to handwraps. A work around for this issue is to place the handwraps back in the Stone of Change by themselves after performing a ritual and pressing "combine"; this will update the handwraps and the rituals you originally applied should then take effect.

    3) NEW - Holy Sword (pal spell) can no longer be used to recharge Shroud energy cells. (Probably WAI).


    1) NEW - Monsters that are affected by several actions/spells that immobilise them in some way such as Hold Monster, Stun, Trip, Paralyse may still move for a split second after being held/stunned/tripped/paralysed and any actions that the monster was in the process of doing may still be activated.

    2) NEW - Monsters in non-epic quests may spawn with Epic Ward.

    3) NEW - Monsters that are affected by several actions/spells that immobilise them in some way such as Hold Monster, Stun, Trip, Paralyse may wander around if they are also affected by Blind.

    4) NEW - Mephit "flapping wings" sound effect continues to play long after the mephit is dead.

    5) NEW - Some pirates leave their hats floating in mid air after they're dead.

    6) NEW - Monsters have an amazing ability to jump back onto inaccessible areas and may cause the quest to fail.


    1) The Tide Turns - Epic shards are not dropping in Epic Chests.

    2) Black Anvil Mines - Galrias the Smith will offer to take your Adamantine Ore and give you another item, but he's a liar, and will just take your ore without giving anything in return.

    3) Tear of Dhakaan -This quest is listed in the adventure compendium as being in Kundarak, but the quest will actually be found in Phiarlan!

    4) To reuse a Shrine or Ethereal Shrine, you may need to double-click your right mouse button rather than single clicking the left mouse button.

    5) NEW - Air elementals will sometimes disappear from an instance.

    6) NEW - Typing /quest to check raid timers will show a timer for all quests completed on that day.

    7) NEW - The bonus chest for defeating Suulomades in Tower of Despair does not spawn on hard or elite difficulties.

    8) NEW - Black Anvil Mines - The earth elementals summoned by the summoners die on the spot right after being summoned. (Please confirm)

    9) NEW - Shadow Crypt - Every 30 seconds or so, players will experience a noticable lag that lasts a fraction of a second. May be fixed by turning off Stencil Shadows for some.

    10) NEW - Epic Big Top - Seals are not dropping. (Please Confirm)

    11) NEW - Epic A Small Problem - Seals are not dropping. (Please Confirm)

    12) NEW - Reclaiming Memories - The Skeletal Giant cannot be ranged. Attempts to shoot him or use a ray spell will get no combat feedback or visual effect. (Please Confirm)

    13) NEW - The bridge in Vault of Night (VoN 5) before the boss fight that needs to be lowered may not.

    14) NEW - Eye of the Titan. The Warforged Titan may suddenly stop moving and essentially be 'stuck' rendering the quest impossible to complete.
    Last edited by AyumiAmakusa; 09-07-2010 at 11:28 PM.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  2. #2
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Things I require some explanation/more info/confirmation on (Basically tell me if you experience this or have any info about it):

    - 2. Hotkeys often don't proc, or proc with no effect, particularly if you're using another key (movement, or holding down the attack button) - this then uses an one of the actions-per-rest of the item or ability in question, or starts the cooldown. I've noticed this particularly with many shot, stunning blow or trip.

    - earth elementals and line of sight... nothing like getting earth grabbed on final fight of rainbow in the dark

    - shards not dropping in epic offering of blood, black loch, and probably spies in the house

    - Paladin KOTC class-based damage doesn't affect some things it should, and does affect some things it shouldnt:

    1: It works on undead
    2: It doesn't work on evil-aligned outsiders who are not typed 'evil outsider' (for example, native outsider tieflings who are evil aligned). Evil outsider bane effects, and the KOTC set bonus, do work against these kinds of monsters.

    The paladin capstone is afflicted by 2 of the above as well. Its supposed to work on undead, however (its clear these two effects' code was copied and pasted at some point in creating the kotc damage).

    - Defender of Siberys and Stalwart Defender defensive stances do not provide the stated (or any) bonus to threat generation.

    Defender of Siberys: Glorious stand both lacks its CLW on self every time you're struck effect, and does not block some secondary-effects of attacks that it should block. The DR, healing amp, and damage reduction vs elemental/negative energy do work.

    - Activating some feat-based effects disables auto-attack, most notably dragonmarks.

    -Pale Master: Necrotic Touch breaks invisibility when used to heal yourself, because its an attack ability.

    Radiant Servant: healing aura doesn't break invisibility because it's tagged as a healing effect, even when you stand right next to undead and kill them with it. However, death aura will break invisibility when used in this fashion.

    - coalescence chamber: the restitution of the walls is too high at present, either because the variable for the materials is off (typical range is 0.1-0.75, with 1.0 being a 100% bounce back at full velocity), or because the physics equation doesn't take the notion into account at all (leaning towards the former as it seems you actually end up with additional momentum).

    - Raid Chest Loot Timeout lag.

    I've not received a trophy and a guildie has not receive any loot from the end chest in TOD. Similar low loot received (often only 1 item) has occurred in VON6.

    I suspect this is something to do with chests with many items - some timeout conflict between generating loot for the player and displaying loot still in chest for other players. Or maybe some chest item limit overflow.

    It's possible has appeared with U5. I didn't note this problem in TOD previously.

    - 2. Sometimes if I open the inventory in the middle of a fight, my character stops fighting and the mouse clicks do not perform attack: a) for a few seconds or longer; b) until i close the inventory.
    This also, sometimes happens when opening LFM and Compendium windows.

    - 2. Tempest Spine fire and ice room: if you die by falling into the lava, jump out while in ghost form and wait until your soul teleports back to your stone an invisible barrier will prohibit you from resurfacing again.

    - 3. If you get a cursed wound (the permanent clay golem type) and a mummy's curse after, and leave the mummy's curse run out of duration, you still have the cursed wound (and correctly immune to healing), but no icon will be shown above your head. I didn't test it with different timed curses but I think the longer curse won't be shown as an icon when the shorter duration curse expires.

    - 8. Tomb of the Tormented: chain lightning and blade barrier deals damage to worgs/rats, while other AoE spells do not.

    - Getting a blue screen of death everytime you try to log out to change characters.

    - The Air Guard Knockdown effect doesn't work properly on Air Elementals (possibly other mobs too, not sure). Air Elementals just disappear instead of being knocked down (possibly because they don't have a knocked-down animation).

    You don't get credit for the kill when this happens. So, the chest of the Air Elemental rare in the sands doesn't open, just stays locked with no rare around to kill. Bug reported and also got a GM to re-spawn the named Air Elemental to kill it properly.
    Last edited by AyumiAmakusa; 08-17-2010 at 06:56 AM.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  3. #3
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Issues fixed since time of posting.

    Guilds & Airships

    1) Guild reagents do not currently work.

    2) Guild Airship amenities were disappearing since the Update 5 Patch 1 hotfix.


    1) The healing aura from Radiant Servant will deactivate when you make a melee attack on any attackable object.
    Last edited by AyumiAmakusa; 08-02-2010 at 11:14 AM.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  4. #4
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Epic mobs will spawn in normal quests that do not have epic access. Thernal for example. Had several epic warded mobs spawn in Hold for Reinforcements in several attempts at protecting the squishy smuck. Drop a freaking banshee and a deathward symbol goes off above the head of critters that shouldn't have had that symbol.

    I've noticed that it is still possible to interrupt the cooldown of action boosts. I thought this got fixed. Had it happen a couple of times during a few Shroud runs. Beating the portals and Harry I use my boosts and the cooldown was intrupted. Haven't been able to reliably reproduce the timing of it on my own but it will still happen. I spam my action boosts till they kick in.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  5. #5
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by KillEveryone View Post
    Epic mobs will spawn in normal quests that do not have epic access. Thernal for example. Had several epic warded mobs spawn in Hold for Reinforcements in several attempts at protecting the squishy smuck. Drop a freaking banshee and a deathward symbol goes off above the head of critters that shouldn't have had that symbol.

    I've noticed that it is still possible to interrupt the cooldown of action boosts. I thought this got fixed. Had it happen a couple of times during a few Shroud runs. Beating the portals and Harry I use my boosts and the cooldown was intrupted. Haven't been able to reliably reproduce the timing of it on my own but it will still happen. I spam my action boosts till they kick in.
    Added Epic Ward on normal monsters bug because I noticed it as well. I'll need further confirmation for interrupting cooldowns of Action Boosts from others.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  6. #6
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    Yeah that about sums it up!

    I'm sure theres more but that list looks pretty discouraging.

    See how many more years some of them stick around....

    And you can still drag items off of locked hotbars.
    Last edited by Spisey; 08-02-2010 at 03:26 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    epic small problem doesnt drop seals in its endchest, making its epic items unmakable (and some epic items from bigtop that had their seals given to SP)

    Paladin KOTC class-based damage doesn't affect some things it should, and does affect some things it shouldnt:

    1: It works on undead
    2: It doesn't work on evil-aligned outsiders who are not typed 'evil outsider' (for example, native outsider tieflings who are evil aligned). Evil outsider bane effects, and the KOTC set bonus, do work against these kinds of monsters.

    The paladin capstone is afflicted by 2 of the above as well. Its supposed to work on undead, however (its clear these two effects' code was copied and pasted at some point in creating the kotc damage).

    Defender of Siberys and Stalwart Defender defensive stances do not provide the stated (or any) bonus to threat generation.

    Defender of Siberys: Glorious stand both lacks its CLW on self every time you're struck effect, and does not block some secondary-effects of attacks that it should block. The DR, healing amp, and damage reduction vs elemental/negative energy do work.

    Activating some feat-based effects disables auto-attack, most notably dragonmarks.

    The bonus chest for defeating Suulomades in Tower of Despair does not spawn on hard or elite difficulties. It vanished when +4 tomes were added to its loot table.

    Pale Master: Necrotic Touch breaks invisibility when used to heal yourself, because its an attack ability.

    Radiant Servant: healing aura doesn't break invisibility because it's tagged as a healing effect, even when you stand right next to undead and kill them with it. However, death aura will break invisibility when used in this fashion.

  8. #8


    ladder bug from origional release is still here do you really think they will fix these soon?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  9. #9
    The Hatchery Scraap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    Radiant Servant: healing aura doesn't break invisibility because it's tagged as a healing effect, even when you stand right next to undead and kill them with it. However, death aura will break invisibility when used in this fashion.
    Can you clarify that one? This end I get - casting it breaks invisibility, but the tick does not, requiring a recast of invisibility after the aura. (of course, it's been a couple weeks since then)

  10. #10
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    Sometimes Air Elementals will simply vanish from the instance. I'm looking at you, Chained Lightning (from the Flesh Maker's Laboratory). Or at least I was.

  11. #11
    Community Member drac317's Avatar
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    dont know if its listed in known issues so just to be sure,acrobat dex dmg is still not added to sneak attacks
    X...what? that is my signature

  12. #12
    Community Member redoubt's Avatar
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    Not sure if this is bug related or lag related, so maybe someone can help confirm/deny what's happening.

    I've been playing my cleric again (since the Pre) and have (again) noticed that I can target a party member and hit heal and have it still hit me instead of them.

    I have all versions of auto-target turned off. I've checked for the out of range and invalid target messages. (I would expect it to not heal them in those conditions.)

    It only happens the first cast right after I target them. Its a heat of battle thing. I see someone getting a beat down and quickly select then heal and the heal lands on me without any of the error messages.

    Any one else see this? Bug? Lag? Some other explaination?


  13. #13
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redoubt View Post
    Not sure if this is bug related or lag related, so maybe someone can help confirm/deny what's happening.

    I've been playing my cleric again (since the Pre) and have (again) noticed that I can target a party member and hit heal and have it still hit me instead of them.

    I have all versions of auto-target turned off. I've checked for the out of range and invalid target messages. (I would expect it to not heal them in those conditions.)

    It only happens the first cast right after I target them. Its a heat of battle thing. I see someone getting a beat down and quickly select then heal and the heal lands on me without any of the error messages.

    Any one else see this? Bug? Lag? Some other explaination?

    I experience this. Even though I target someone else and cast a spell, it will land on me sometimes. Again, number 6 of UI bugs.
    Last edited by AyumiAmakusa; 08-02-2010 at 10:58 AM.
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  14. #14
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    The Acrobat I enhancement fails to apply your dex modifier to your Sneak Attack Damage as it describes it should.
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
    Khyber, Jesters Court

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  15. #15
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Acid Fog and Solid Fog do not slow enemies down anymore. Both of these spells have been broken since the game went F2P, almost a year ago now.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  16. #16
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
    Acid Fog and Solid Fog do not slow enemies down anymore. Both of these spells have been broken since the game went F2P, almost a year ago now.
    I was under the impression that it was WAI, is it not?
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  17. #17
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    --Items with no augment slot and minimum guild level (greater than 1) are still dropping. I've mostly seen this in end rewards, but I have also seen it in chests as well. (Bug reported on 6/30 and 8/1)


    --Reclaiming Memories
    ----The Skeletal Giant cannot be ranged. Attempts to shoot him or use a ray spell will get no combat feedback or visual effect. The smaller skeletons in the same area can be ranged, so it shouldn't be the geography of the quest. (But reported on 7/29)

    General Gameplay:

    --In addition to getting stuck in the middle of ladders, it is possible to get stuck at the base of a ladder and unable to climb it at all.

  18. #18
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AyumiAmakusa View Post
    I was under the impression that it was WAI, is it not?
    These spells worked correctly for years, up until the F2P update. I have never seen any release note or Dev post indicating that this was changed on purpose. Also, players are still properly affected when the mobs cast it on us. The main problem is that new players don't know it is broken, and those are the players Turbine caters to now.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  19. #19
    Founder Freeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
    Acid Fog and Solid Fog do not slow enemies down anymore. Both of these spells have been broken since the game went F2P, almost a year ago now.
    I don't think these ever got added to the list. If you aren't sure if they are WAI, then just ask yourself what Solid Fog does if it doesn't slow enemies down.
    Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
    Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).

  20. #20
    Community Member Fridas's Avatar
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    I've noticed since U5 that my weapon sets don't change out when I first click them. It takes 2-3 clicks before they change. This is getting very annoying since I play mostly melee rangers and switching from bow to rapiers in the midst of battle can mean a party wipe. This is happening on both servers I play on, and I've never had problems before now.

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