Please send PM on price
Good luck on that considering the time + resources needed/used to create such a useless weapon would detour anyone from actually wasting thier time crafting one.
useless for most part but its a nice item for a monk since there isnt **** in the game in the way of shurikens and the chances of me pulling a decent one well has not happened in 2 lives so before I go on my 3rd life as a monk I would like to have a shuriken.
I wasnt really asking for you imput on how crappy the greensteel shuriken is and, yes I know its crappy but it sure as hell beats out the snowstar.
i considered doin that at one point too. may in the future for the heck of it but for now i got a lucky price on a wounding enfeebling shuriken off the ah
chose the red pill and woke up in the real world of argonnessen
fight nice children
i can prolly craft you one. hit me a tell ingame and we can see what we can do
Deltabravo I have come here to FROG things up!