Last edited by Irinis; 08-11-2010 at 04:32 PM.
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.
it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, it's the reporter, of the reporter....
Hi welcome
*** Siggur...20 / Gallifar...20 / Valachieri...20 / Mattux...20 / Korrosion...20 / Mordakhai...20 / Soulsquasher...12 ***
Relic of the Last War
Scholar of Adventure
I see your Xander Crews and raise you a Terry Crews!
I've got my affairs in order for the coming zombie apocalypse, do you?
I got the harrassment part and you should report if it's too much for you to deal with.
But if its related to PVP then I have no sympathy, what more can you exspect from people that only play to PVP. I am not judging PVP players because I dont need to, it's a known fact a true hardcore PVP player has no personality and on a power trip, because in real live they are so pathetic.
This thread is officially out of the topic of what i said xD
She and me are friends now dont worry guys lol.
Clayne Fourstring - Jack of All Trades, Riddlemaster - Sarlona
Esson the Sacred Heart - Physician, Healer - Sarlona
~~The Paladin Code: Death before dishonor . . . especially when there is a cleric in the group.
I just reported myself
Bluntt Roller
Bluntt,Proud Officer of the Truth Seekers
Adapt or Die,or be a ddo'er and /whine
Blunttphorse,Madkill,Mait Manic,Ewak,Holmez,Rollin,Axeme Acers
Kind of strange that you mention that. Maybe you're just unlucky?
Once, a player was spamming the trade channel saying "i need free plat pl0x im poor". Instead of just squelching him, I replied in the trade channel after his 100th spam "Hey <Player>, why don't you just go do some quests and sell the loot for plat?"
He then sent me a tell saying "F*** you" (uncensored of course, I have my filter off). I didn't mind, just laughed at the poor noob. Even though I highly doubt Turbine would do anything about it, I reported him for harassment.
Just five minutes later, an exclamation mark icon appeared and said "A mod has answered your harassment report, click here to view the details" or something like that. I was surprised the mods answered it this quickly and even more surprised that they answered it at all.
If you want better Game Master service, come to Ghallanda I guess.
Pws and irresistible dance to me are some of the worst forms of harassment that one can do in pvp.If this is what you were doing then you deserved it.Not only does it make any fight in pvp not fun and create an auto win easy button for noobs it can be used as a grieving tactic as well.
While i don't put much stock into pvp i do have fun in the occasional fair battle between two players.Unfortunately with our huge influx of easy button noobs these are few and far between.