Hey all
I would like to buy a 'make your hat look like this one' Merlin hat.
You know, the blue cone shaped hat with yellow moons and stars on it.
I'd pay 150 turbine points for it any time.
Best regards
Hey all
I would like to buy a 'make your hat look like this one' Merlin hat.
You know, the blue cone shaped hat with yellow moons and stars on it.
I'd pay 150 turbine points for it any time.
Best regards
Walruss, Cannith ~ Birth of a guild ~ Nocturnal today ~ Guild mascot ~ My wishlist ~ lft
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Lol. Hahahaha. I really hope they implement this because I'll have a blast laughing at everyone who wears it.
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
Id buy one for my WF Wiz! Blue Cone-shaped hat, with stars and moons on it.
And 'witch' hats too.
You know, a 'merlins' hat model in black.
Come on Devs, Holloween is coming - Merlin and Witch hats for everyone!
Bring teleport more inline with PnP: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...Basic-Teleport
Player made quests can work in DDO: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...erated-content
Sometime in the history of fantasy wizards it became uncool to wear a conical hat.
I belive the hat is based on the mitre and Zoroastrian fire-priests...I could be wrong...
I would like to see them.
The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC
http://darkside.guildportal.com http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=174849
only if the hat comes with an emote that lets you take off the hat.
when you take off the hat, there is a rabbit on top of your head.
The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp. (wayfinder was a soloist build)