Pimp my Toon!~
As much as I really try to slow down my gained experience while grinding for plat or +6 generic equipment (ransacking mired in kobolds, grinding stormcleave outpost, running tempest spine) and finding better weapons (paralyzing, vorpal, silver/transmute falchions of good etc.. etc..) I am six levels short of level 20. I am f2p, so please don't mind the quest choice. To help w/ you guys giving advice, here is my adventure pack list so far:
Delera's Tomb
Vale (not yet buying, still waiting for discount to squeeze in Sands, but can already buy one if need be)
Here is my current Toon and equipment load-out
8 bard / 4 fighter / 2 barb
True Neutral
OMG no AC song? The reason why is because I dont have enough Songs per rest to AC song to begin with, and opt to maximize the overall DPS of the group through Fascinate (yes I use them alot more than the ironskin Chant) and Bard Melee Songs. Though I know it'll be problematic later on, I'll be running mostly w/ my guildies or PUGs, so its kinda irrelevant. I chose more HP, Combat DC's for Trip/Stunning Blow, Weapon Specialization since I crit alot (falchion), more To Hit and Extra Feats. I like to use trip/stunning blow simply because its cost effective to disable casters first as melee and mash away rather than swinging madly at them (they jump around, and cast defense buffs more often in my experience and I don't like tough casters). My current Combat DCs for both Stunning Blow and Trip are 24, in rage + barb rage mode.
HP (unbuffed): 266
HP (spell rage): 274
HP: (spell rage + barb rage): 307
SP: 245 (this is to be discussed below) + 100(magi) = 345
Str: 21 +1 (Fighter) +6(item)+2 (rage) +4(barb rage) = 34
Dex: 10+2(item; working on it) = 12
Con: 14+1 (barb) + 3 (item; working on it) = 18
Int: 8 (dump stat)
Wis: 8 (dump stat)
Cha: 10 + 1 (tome) +2 (item; I don't know if Bard's cloak is BtA or BtC, if not then I might beg for one from my guildies running one :P) = 13
AC: 23 (problematic, i need serious help here)
Saves: +17 fort, +14 Reflex +11 Will
Current Gear
Weapon: Main weapon - +5 Icy Burst kit Holy Falchion of Goblinoid Bane (flavor LOL) w/ Force Critical
Undead Masher - +1 Anarchic Greataxe of Greater Undead Bane (I hate mummies :P) / +3 Holy QStaff of PG
Vampire/construct - +3 Metalline Greataxe
Ranged - +2 Returning Silver Throwing Axe
Head: Divine Power (5x CL:7) Headgear (until I can find better ones or another DP googles)
Goggles: Goggles of Divine Power (3x CL:7)/ Goggles of Insight
Armor: Elemental Mithral Breastplate (I wont bind and attune this for +1 dodge since I plan to reuse this for my other toons, though I noticed its becoming rather obsolete, or am I mistaken?) / Deathblock Robe of Spell Resistance 17 (beholder mashing)
Bracers: Ogre Power Bracers +6 / Iron Manacles (for Deathblock robe mode)
Rings: Ring of Stability (left), Charismatic Ring +2 of Acid Resistance (I don't like Melf's arrow)
Boots: Featherfall Boots; still farming for Remlin's Step
Gloves: +2 Dexterous Gloves of Perform +11 / Linen Handwraps (mummy rot @_@)
Belt: x2 Planar Girdles / Belt of Divine power (5x CL:7)/ Health Belt of Balance (Can't find a better Health Belt of Imp. False Life yet)
Cloak: Cloak of Resistance / All Greater Energy cloaks
Trinket: Voice of the Master / Tharaak's Fang (if I know I'll fail my save) (Kardin's eye is so expensive)
Amulet: Nightforge Gorget (never letting this go since I cannot afford Necro Series)
So I think you know by now my current problems, but what I really want to focus on would be my self sufficiency through item heal versus mana heal; If i do the former, I drop my DPS, switching shield + wand healing, while if I do the latter I don't think I have enough SP up until I craft a Concord Op item w/c is irrelevant seeing I'm not even there yet. My solution would be to drop my Stunning Blow Feat and my Second Toughness Feat and re-spec it to Mental Toughness and Imp. Mental Toughness so taking Emp Heal/Quicken spell later would be more efficient.
AC is also a problem, which somehow is related to my SP pool problem. I don't really have problems with AC ,seeing I can use Blur and Displacement. But having SP management problems in the first place, already eliminates the perma displace/haste strategy unless during key portions of any quest (boss fights, lots of shrines, boredom, zerg...). So I'm down to just blur. And this blur is a glass wall waiting to be broken as soon as I get dispelled. I really don't know how to bump my AC up to acceptable level unless I go Icy Raiment + Armor Bracers. Or is there another way?
For my weapon, yeah its **** LOL. I'm still looking for vorpals, paralyzers, Shattermantles, Mettaline of Pure Good. Where can I find them? Do they Drop in The Vale?
I need to prepare myself a lot since I brand my Bard as Melee Specc'd. I need to live up to that name or else reroll :P
Any other ideas, concern, feedback, criticisms are welcome.
PS: Can anyone show a link for Shroud videos? like from part 1 - part 5.TY (browses youtube while I wait)