Drow Dark monk Shortsword Ninja Avenger
This is a relatively gear friendly, new player friendly build that is very survivable and can achieve a very high armor class and decent saves.
Build specific gear included is a +4 insight greensteel shortsword and an icy raiment.
The biggest shortcomings of this build is requiring 6 +2 tomes and having only 450 hit points in the end game, but otherwise it is a fairly solid build both offensively and defensively.
2 paladin 6 monk 12 ranger
14 +2 tome +6 item +2 spell = 24
16 +5 level up +3 enhancement +2 ehnancement +2 air stance +2 tome +6 item= 36
12 +2 tome -2 stance +6 item = 18
11 +2 tome = 13
14 +2 enhancement +2 tome +6 item = 24
13 +1 enhancement +2 tome +6 item = 22
basic AC breakdown
10 base
8 armor bracers
4 dodge icy raiment
1 alchemy ritual
13 dexterity
7 wisdom
3 shield
1 dodge feat
1 two weapon defense
4 insight shroud weapon
5 protection
2 monk centered
1 paladin aura
5 combat expertise
5 Barkskin
Ship buffs would add another 4 or 5 to this.
body icy raiment
head minos legens
bracers armor 8 or epic sentinels bracers
gloves +6 str
ring 1 +6 wisdom
ring 2 open slot / chattering ring if available
cloak +6 charisma
goggle tharnes or green steel
boots +6 dexterity
necklace silverflame / or greensteel / protection 5
belt con 6 & greater false life
trinket Voice of the master / bloodstone / shimmering arrowhead / bloodrage symbiot
Hit Points:
96 ranger levels
48 monk levels
20 paladin levels
80 con
20 heroic durability
10 draconic vitality
30 greater false life
20 minos legens
10 tier 2 tortoise enhancement
44 toughness feat (toughness 2x)
20 racial toughness
10 paldin toughness
45 shroud item
453 in air stance.
Level breakdown
*Ranger feat
** Monk Feat
(class prestige enhancement)
1 Ranger 1 weapon finesse
2 Ranger 2 *Two weapon fighting / rapid shot
3 Monk 1 Dodge / **Toughness
4 Monk 2 **Power attack
5 Monk 3 **Fists of darkness
6 Monk 4 Mobility
7 Monk 5
8 Monk 6 **Combat expertise (Ninja 1)
9 Ranger 3 Spring Attack / *die hard
10 Ranger 4
11 Ranger 5
12 Ranger 6 *Improved two weapon fighting / *Manyshot / Improved crit piercing. (Tempest 1)
13 Paladin 1
14 Paladin 2
15 Ranger 7 Two weapon defense
16 Ranger 8
17 Ranger 9
18 Ranger 10 Toughness (or open selection)
19 Ranger 11 Greater two weapon fighting / Precise shot / improved precise shot
20 Ranger 12 (Tempest 2)
Fort +8 ranger +5 monk +2 paladin +1 aura +3 resistance +4 con +6 charisma +1 voice = 30
Reflex +8 ranger +5 monk +1 aura +3 resistance +13 dex +6 charisma +1 voice = 37
Will +4 ranger +5 monk +1 aura +3 resistance +7 wis +6 charisma +1 voice= 27
Saves can be bumped situationally with water stance.
An alternate version of this build could be achieved by exchanging the paladin levels for 2 fighter levels, taking addition toughnesses and lowering charisma a little to bump another stat and possibly add in intimidate.