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  1. #1
    Bug Hunter aoeusnth's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Default Need help making a good level 20 dps THF

    I'm looking to make a THF with the best dps I can get. I'd make a barbarian, but unfortunately I don't have the time, and I've already invested a lot of time leveling a fighter. (I also have a personal preference for fighters, and from what I've read they supposedly aren't too far behind barbarians in terms of dps.)

    Here's what I have so far:

    Fighter level 12
    Human, Lawful Good, Male, 48 action points

    base stats:
    str - 18
    dex - 8 (My reasoning for this is that I wouldn't be tanking at high levels, I would cover ranging with quick draw and brutal throw, and my dex bonus would be capped by my armor anyway. I would get +6 dex gloves and a +1 max dex bonus enhancement for a total dex mod of 2. I'm still not sure if this is the best thing to do for the kind of character I'm trying to make, but I don't know how it'd be useful for me other than the small balance bonus.)
    con - 16
    int - 10
    wis - 8
    cha - 8

    current possible stats:
    str - 28
    dex - 12
    con - 22
    int - 10
    wis - 8
    cha - 8

    hit points:
    120 base
    60 con bonus
    132 feat bonus
    20 enchanted bonus
    332 total (this is only with a +5 con mod instead of the +6 mentioned above, I think it should be 344)

    skill points:
    15 ranks in intimidate and jump, 7.5 ranks in balance (I wanted to have a good jump for jumping over enemies and traps, but I do realize that it's definitely high enough already. I'm not sure what else to put it in, though. The only other skill that seems useful would be heal, but I doubt it'd be worth it for a few extra hp from shrines. Edit: I forgot about tumble and UMD. I'll probably stop putting points into jump now and get tumble high enough to use it with cross-class and armor check penalties.)

    brutal throw
    greater weapon focus: slashing weapons
    greater weapon specialization: slashing
    improved critical: slashing weapons
    improved two handed fighting
    power attack
    quick draw
    toughness (acquired 3 times)
    two handed fighting
    weapon focus: slashing weapons
    weapon specialization: slashing weapons

    (Should I get a skill focus feat for a +3 bonus to a skill? I was thinking about maybe getting the balance one. Otherwise I'm not sure what I'll be getting for my next levels, maybe stunning blow and cleave.)

    fighter armored agility III
    fighter strategy (Trip) II
    human adaptability constitution I
    human improved recovery III
    fighter item defense I
    racial toughness III
    fighter intimidate I
    fighter strength II
    fighter toughness IV

    (I plan on getting kensei signature weapon for greatsword since I have a decent greatsword now and then switch to greataxe later when I figure out greensteel.)

    So, my question to you is: What would you change, if anything? What would you keep the same? What feats/enhancements should I be getting/getting rid of? What p2p items will I need (Minos legens for example)?

    Also, I might greater reincarnate. What should my base stats be then?
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by aoeusnth; 07-31-2010 at 12:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Hey, the build looks good for the most part- just a few notes.

    Base stats should be a straight min/maxed 18str/18con - The extra skill point isn't that significant that you can lose 20 hp over, especially with being human you get an extra skill point.

    You are going to want to get more hitpoints than that if you are looking to play a heavy dps roll. I suggest the following feats to be taken just as class feats:

    the 3 weapon focuses, both weapon specializations, improved critical: slashing, stunning blow, power attack, and the THF line (although its up for debate whether itll be useful to you if you twitch attack most of the time)

    Your regular ever-3-levels feats should be mostly toughness feats to throw you into at least the 700 unbuffed range.

    I don't recommend grabbing a skill focus feat unless you are going to try intimitanking or try to build up an appreciable UMD.

    You don't need brutal throw, your source of dps is a two hander, not a ranged weapon. Spending a feat on that is a waste.

    Your enhancements ned a bit of a rework as well, I don't think armored agility is worth the cost- there are simply other enhancements that are much more worthwhile- and the fighter really can't afford to throw around ap.

    Hope that helps, If theres any other help you need let me know =D

    I didnt notice you're human from the first quik scan of your post- you should take human versatility- the damage boost is a pretty nice source of dps.
    Last edited by Durnak; 07-31-2010 at 09:33 PM.

  3. #3
    Bug Hunter aoeusnth's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Thanks, that's exactly the kind of information I need. It really helps. It didn't hit me that I shouldn't be taking brutal throw when I know I should be getting toughness >.< Hopefully I can get this guys cleaned up a little. :-)

  4. #4
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Hehe, no problem- if you run into any issues feel free to PM me.

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