Well, i know others have been having thee issues too, but, i figure the more posts about this issue, the more likely some DEV will get the msg.

Was doing favor cleanup Freshin The Air, and Rage ( lvl 14 Hireling WF Barb) bailed on me yet again. This is BS. Not only is the Plat spent on his contract wasted, but it is a lvl way below him! I mean, ok, Dreams of Insanity i could maybe understand, Beholders are scary, but, cMON! Trogs for jeebus sake? Complete bull dung i say.
In fact, I declare Shinanagins! Shinanagins I say!!!

How's about gettin this issue fixed in your upcoming patch? I say patch of course, because bringing the servers down IS NOT a " hotfix".

K, I've vented and feel a bit better.
