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  1. #1
    The Hatchery walkingwolfmike's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Yet another Hireling Bail

    Well, i know others have been having thee issues too, but, i figure the more posts about this issue, the more likely some DEV will get the msg.

    Was doing favor cleanup Freshin The Air, and Rage ( lvl 14 Hireling WF Barb) bailed on me yet again. This is BS. Not only is the Plat spent on his contract wasted, but it is a lvl way below him! I mean, ok, Dreams of Insanity i could maybe understand, Beholders are scary, but, cMON! Trogs for jeebus sake? Complete bull dung i say.
    In fact, I declare Shinanagins! Shinanagins I say!!!

    How's about gettin this issue fixed in your upcoming patch? I say patch of course, because bringing the servers down IS NOT a " hotfix".

    K, I've vented and feel a bit better.


  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I feel your pain.

    I had a hireling bail on me in Rainbow in the Dark twice in three days. Both times I was solo, the second time resulted in a failure of the quest and a lot of broken gear.

    So I lost two contracts, a lot of plat for broken gear, and most importantly my time was wasted on the second quest because I was unable to go sans cleric to completion.

    Kinda a bummer.
    Thorgred, Cavitycreep, Creeploaf, Creepingdoom of Thelanis. Member of C-L-A-W

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    They always bail on me in Rainbow too.

    Generally, its when they try to follow you past one of the two semi-random spike trap or plain floor areas.

    I'm not sure if its because they fall in and can't get out, or if they are unwilling to cross, I'm usually running some distance ahead of them. I can sometimes get them across in baby steps following the thin path over the spikes, but usually not.

    The best thing seems to be telling them to stop moving, then get far enough ahead of them that you can summon them to you via one of their little "i'm lost!" teleports.

    It is kind of annoying though

    Its pretty absurd also when a fighter-type hireling in there gets eaten by rusties and insists on running the rest of the quest punching monsters. Haven't they heard of masterwork wooden clubs?!?

  4. #4
    Community Member English_Warrior's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure I read that this issue was going to be fixed in update 7.

    Edit: Yes according to a blog by Madfloyd...hirelings will no longer leave the party in the middle of a dungeon.

    Check out this very useful thread by markhoge:
    Last edited by English_Warrior; 09-22-2010 at 03:52 PM.
    Main Toons = Alphasixsix - Blackbell - Ironsack - Deltasix - Ironflute
    Leader of 'Vampire Night Guard'
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  5. #5
    Community Member Mercureal's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I've had this happen a few times too. The first two times were in Gianthold when the hireling got caught in a trap, and I thought it might be a case of "screw you guys, I didn't sign on for this!" But the third time there was no stress involved, just poof, disappearing during a stroll down a cleared hallway.

    On a separate note, I'll run Rainbow with you Thor - with the potency from the Sceptre and a few mana pots I can even play amateur cleric.

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