Everytime after I enter sands, the game crashes. Please fix this issue.
Everytime after I enter sands, the game crashes. Please fix this issue.
Give us more details on what your computer specs are? Your connection type? Where you are connecting from? What time does this happen? Maybe if you gave us more info we can help. A post with 'Please fix this' is not going to get you anywhere.
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
I know tech issues can be frustrating, but AyumiAmakusa is right. Just assuming that you won't have to do anything won't help you fix anything. That's a bit like having car issues and blaming the road, and then leaving your car in the garage until it's "fixed."
I have the same issues. Running windows xp pro, gforce 8800, intel 6600 2.4 ghz, 4gb.
Internet SBC 17.33 download, 1.44 upload
Generally it's a given, if I log onto a character and head out to the desert, game crashes. Occasionally this happens to me in Gianthold and Necropolis. However in the other two locations its more rare. Generally to see this happen I need to have logged off and back into a different character at least once for that to occur.
Bug tickets have been entered several times. I just don't think it's something that will be fixed. I know it generally only happens to me once, unless I have been logging onto different characters a lot.
Best bet to try and limit this that I've found, is to exit game when you want to switch characters. However I've never been able to avoid getting booted when entering the desert for the first time.
Sorry, know its not what you were hopin for.
My pc is:
Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit
Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E6500 @ 2.93GHz 2.13GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 220
10 MB download / 1 MB upload