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Thread: PvP Suggestion

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default PvP Suggestion

    First post, it doesn't excuse idiodisy, but cut a little slack please.

    I have a small suggestion about PvP arenas. In honor of the Risia ice games and/or festivult, I think their should be an Ice based arena. I am interested in how the mechanics of ice combat would work. Melee characters would be at a disadvantage, but maybe trip could be more effective or hits could have a knockdown chance. Everyone or nobody should have the benefit of ice skates, though, so people don't just run circles around others while turning the less speedy party into a pincushion. Enhanced maneuverability would be nice as well, as I beleive it has been ratcheted down in other locations to avoid grabbing huge numbers of coins.

  2. #2
    Community Member h4x0r1f1c's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Thaminor View Post
    First post, it doesn't excuse idiodisy, but cut a little slack please.

    I have a small suggestion about PvP arenas. In honor of the Risia ice games and/or festivult, I think their should be an Ice based arena. I am interested in how the mechanics of ice combat would work. Melee characters would be at a disadvantage, but maybe trip could be more effective or hits could have a knockdown chance. Everyone or nobody should have the benefit of ice skates, though, so people don't just run circles around others while turning the less speedy party into a pincushion. Enhanced maneuverability would be nice as well, as I beleive it has been ratcheted down in other locations to avoid grabbing huge numbers of coins.
    Heck yeah slide down a slope firing Meteor Swarm in people's faces!


  3. #3
    Community Member rest's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006


    /ice skates

    Now its a regular arena. What was the point of building it?

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