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  1. #1
    Community Member ARcdevil's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default A 12 ranger/ 8 barbarian build.

    I was thinking rangers get the twf feats and barbarians go berzerk and are often twf so why not get the best bits of both? Heres the build so far

    Warforged: neutrel good. 32 pt builds.

    Str 18
    Dex 14
    Con 18
    Int 8
    wis 6
    cha 6

    1,ranger: Undead enemy and Dodge.
    The rest is just ideas.


    3,barb: Mobility

    4, Barb

    5, ranger

    6, ranger: Moving attack thing

    7, ranger

    8, Ranger

    9, Ranger: Not sure

    Not sure what else.

    Level 1
    Stealth skills (+4 points, now 6)

    Jump (+4 points, now 8)

    Tumble (+4 points, now 4)

    UMD (+4 points, now 0)

    Notes: If I change the build I will change it at the top, I am willing to take frenzied berzerker and change the levels slightly but It is staying Ranger/BarB unless somewon has a good idea.
    I do not have Monk or Fvs.
    I only took The wis points as they give will saves.
    I think most of the spells are rubbish so I probly won't bother putting more points in.

    7/8/10 Notes
    Increased Str/ decreased Wis and Int
    Chosen whep is now heavy pick. I don't consider Myself a new player as I have played for sevaral months now.
    Build now built and Starting to try it.
    Last edited by ARcdevil; 08-07-2010 at 02:15 PM. Reason: Build changes and Notes.
    If beauty is in the eye of the beholder which eye is that?
    I demand you nerf this post. I was the first person to enter the chronoscope quest on cannith. And died in 10 mins when the whole party finally got in. Profesional Necrobumper.

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