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  1. #1
    Community Member Burdden's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Add set bonus's to pre-existing epic items

    Several of the Epic items available now should have a set bonus added. Lets face it Tod sets are way better, leaving several at least on paper nice epic items useless. My primary example would be on my fighter:
    He used Epic Helm/ Belt of the Mroranon only until I got the ravager set. In the max dps world that is ddo its a simple choice. i believe any dps effect added as an epic set bonus to the mroranon items would greatly improve there use in game.

    Likewise there are several other obvious sets that could have effects added.
    Kundarak set:
    Mroranon set:
    From the desert could pair up gloves of the falcon and bracers of the hunter for an epic set bonus.

    Right now i can count on 1 hand the useful epic items i actually use. They need a sprucing up.

    I am not just talking melee either, that is what i primarily play ... There are many options for all class type sets.

  2. #2
    Community Member maestro973's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Agree 100%, though I don't think the items should be limited to epic only for the set bonus to apply. Though a more "epic" set bonus if they are would be nice.

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