Hello, after playing a wizard to level 20 and a cleric to level 20, I've noticed something, the main thing in this game that needs fixed are the spells. Some don't work, some work too well, and others we don't have at all. So, I'm going to try making a small list of spells from the divine and arcane just from the PHB that I belive we need added or fixed.
To be fair since arcane just got new spells, I'm starting with the Divine (I'll be going off the cleric spell list because I haven't played a paladin or any other divine spell caster).
Level 1
Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: Show location of enemies on the mini-map that match up to the alignment of the detect spell within a cone shaped area in front of the caster.
Inflict Light Wounds: *Fix: Make like the Cure spells for range.
Summon Monster I: *Fix: needs to include 3 summons (one Celestial or Good, one Neutral, one Fiendish or Evil).
Level 2
Align Weapon: Makes weapon able to bypass Alignment based DR. Make it effect the weapon like master's touch does now.
Inflict Moderate Wounds: *Fix: Make like the Cure spells for range.
Shield Other: Cleric now takes half the damage from touched ally. May be difficult to code but would be a great spell.
Summon Monster II: *Fix: as for Summon Monster I
Level 3
Inflict Serious Wounds: *Fix: Make like the Cure spells for range.
Summon Monster III: *as stated for rest of summon spells.
Wind Wall: This would be around the same size of Wall of Fire but creates a shield of air that blocks most ranged attacks.
Level 4
Inflict Critical Wounds: *Fix: Make like the Cure spells for range.
Summon Monster IV: *as stated for rest of summon spells.
Level 5
Summon Monster V: *as stated for rest of summon spells.
Wall of Stone: Creates a wall of stone (around the shape and size of Wall of Fire) that can be broken but puts a temperary barrier between you and your enemies. Again coding might be hard to make enemies attack it instead of you for a min. or two but I think would add a new way of adding stragety to the game.
Level 6
Summon Monster IV: *as stated for rest of summon spells.
Word of Recall: *Fix: Make more then just one area to teleport too or make like an instant recall or finish out.
Level 7
Blasphemy: Simular to the Unholy Blight spell except instead of damage can Kill, Banish, Paralyze, Sicken, or daze Non-Evil Targets depending on HD (best part is that the HD limit is based you your HD instead of a preset number)
Dictum: Simular to the Order's Wrath spell except instead of damage can Kill, Banish, Paralyze, Slows, or daze Non-Lawful Targets depending on HD
Holy Word: Simular to the Holy Smite spell except instead of damage can Kill, Banish, Paralyze, Blinds, or daze Non-Evil Targets depending on HD
Word of Chaos: Simular to the Chaos Hammer spell except instead of damage can Kill, Banish, Paralyze, Slows, or daze Non-Evil Targets depending on HD (best part is that the HD limit is based you your HD instead of a preset number)
Level 8
Level 9
Storm of Vengeance: Might seem a little too powerful but remember this is going to have to have a long casting time and will have a duration of about 30-60 seconds. Has a series of effects that take place one after another: 1st: produces 20% concealment to all creatures in area / 2nd: 1d6 acid from acidic raid (no save) / 3rd: bolts of lightning dealing 10d6 damage to random targets in the spell or flat 10d6 electricity damage to all in spells effected area (Ref. Half) / 4th: 5d6 bludeoning damage from hail falling in effected area (no save) / 5th: For the remainder of the spell concealment is increased to 50% and all casters have to make concentration checks equal to the spell's DC.
Some of the spells have changes to them that I've made in the discription so that they might fit better in the DDO world. Please tell me your options and other spells that you would like to see.