Quote Originally Posted by MarcusCleardawn View Post
A couple of points to consider:

How is TRing a character into a new class different than rolling an alt other than access to your previous life's gear and the additional xp grind? Not much. Recently, the cost of a TR heart was only about twice that of a Character Slot.

TRing is approximately twice the grind of leveling to 20 in the first place. The grind for "top level" gear usually persists significantly past the initial 1,900,000 xp's. Isn't it a more efficient use of time, assuming you're going to TR, to TR early and kill 2 birds with one stone?

As far as grinding epic tokens, I don't believe that it's as easy as the OP suggests. Unlike Shroud or Reaver Raids, there are not a great number of LFM's posted for epic quests. In my experience, those that are posted are "x guild and friends" or "Full all spots reserved" or when they are open are limited to experienced players. The point is that the whole Epic thing isn't as easy to break into as your post assumes.

As far as the "wings" thing, who cares? If you put up a PUG you get what you get, the player could have been powerleveled, it could be the player's small child, the player could be drunk, distracted, just not terribly bright.

But I'll tell you what, if you're willing to accept my character on those epic quest runs you're talking about, I'll be more than happy to grind tokens instead of purchasing heart woods.


the "killing two birds with one stone" is why I made the MISTAKE of TRing too early. I really wish I would have waited and accumulated some better/raid/greensteel gear first.