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  1. #1
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    Default True res, DDO Store points, and you!

    Before anyone points out that this doesn't need to be said as it's common sense, I only wish that were the case, it needs to be said.

    Are you level 20? Does epic content intimidate you enough that it seems like a good idea to buy a True Heart of Wood from the ddo store so that you don't have to collect 20 whole epic tokens?

    You're not ready, keep practicing, TR later, you won't regret the delay.

  2. #2
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    Lol ok, I'll be fair, I bought my first TR heart from the store.

    I also wasn't ready. :-D

  3. #3
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jawny_Carcinogen View Post
    Before anyone points out that this doesn't need to be said as it's common sense, I only wish that were the case, it needs to be said.

    Are you level 20? Does epic content intimidate you enough that it seems like a good idea to buy a True Heart of Wood from the ddo store so that you don't have to collect 20 whole epic tokens?

    You're not ready, keep practicing, TR later, you won't regret the delay.
    I don't understand.

    I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't understand! This is because although I have been playing for what, 7 months now, I don't have a character over L13 due to being in a v-e-r-y small guild with no more than 2 or 3 of us on at once, a general dislike of PuGging and an understanding that levels 10-20 are going to be very sparse in terms of content, and running the same quests over and over just to level really isn't appealing.

    I'll get there eventually (I see no rush), but I have never enjoyed end game in any MMO I've played - I just don't get the point of it. No character advancement, no point, in terms of me enjoying myself. I hate grinding gear because generally you aren't experiencing anything new when you do that, and that's dull. This seems to be something that will be parrticularly true in DDO - I don't get the appeal of playing Durk's Got A Secret on Epic. I mean, why are these Kobolds suddenly so hard to kill? What's that about? Why haven't they taken over Stormreach yet? Nope. Don't get it. If Epic mode suddenly changed the foes you were facing that would be entirely different. But from what I hear (which I accept could be wrong), its just the same content with the saving throws, damage output and hit points turned to max. Seems lazy to me.

    So my plan was indeed to get to 20, get a true res and level through again with a slightly more powerful character (and thus a slightly different experience, particularly if I choose a different class or build).

    In what way will I not be ready to TR when I get to 20? is it the lack of experience (which surely I'll get as I level back up again?), or is it something else? have I misunderstood something about what Epic content will be like?
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 07-28-2010 at 07:16 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  4. #4
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    It is indeed the lack of experience. People see the wings around your name and expect you to not only know what you're doing, but have a better idea than the next guy.

    It has nothing to do with running epic content specificly, but epic content really isn't all that difficult, it just requires more tactic, preparedness, teamwork, or some mixture of the three. Noone inexperienced enough to be intimidated by having to run 20 epic quests for tokens should be worrying about TRing yet.

    It was originally intended to mean something.

  5. #5
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Don't buy the heart from the store. It's not worth it. Epic may seem intimidating but all the monsters are just level 35+ - 40+ or so. In fact there are some epic quests that are easy for you to farm for tokens/fragments. I'm in the process of farming for them and will TR when I get enough. In the meantime you could also start farming for crafting items/named items etc.

    There's a lot to do before you TR (such as preparing stuff for your next life). Patience is a virtue.

    EDIT: Yeah, I re-read the OP and my post seems a little off. Anyway, my post is aimed at people who want to buy a TR heart of wood. Seriously don't.
    Last edited by AyumiAmakusa; 07-28-2010 at 08:38 AM.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  6. #6
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    I concur 100%.

    Many people "hit the button" before they are ready.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  7. 07-28-2010, 08:25 AM

  8. #7
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    To the OP:
    I was farming for epic tokens for 2 months before I bought my heart. I bought it because my guildmates and I had a regular party that was fairly balanced and we all decided to TR at the same time so we could continue to run together and level up to 20 again on the TR's. My guildmates dont have the personal life stuff I have to deal with on a regular basis so they were able to farm all of their tokens.

    Advice is fine but you should really state that this is your opinion and its free(unlike the heart of wood from the DDO store), you get what you pay for. You are entitled to your opinion but remember this is a game, its supposed to be fun and challenging and who determines who is ready and who is not ready to TR. Until you do it you dont know and once you do it you cant go back.

    My opinion is this- if you want to buy your heart of wood because you want the challenge and grind of needing almost 2x as much xp to get back up to 20 then go for it. I would of course also advise you to have a second lvl 20 toon to farm good stuff while you level up.

    my 2 cp's.

  9. #8
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jawny_Carcinogen View Post
    Before anyone points out that this doesn't need to be said as it's common sense, I only wish that were the case, it needs to be said.

    Are you level 20? Does epic content intimidate you enough that it seems like a good idea to buy a True Heart of Wood from the ddo store so that you don't have to collect 20 whole epic tokens?

    You're not ready, keep practicing, TR later, you won't regret the delay.
    What if you simply don't like the Epic grind because you think its boring and moronic and you'd rather be levelling? What if the very small amount of cash to buy a heart is less than you earn in an hour and thus it isn't good time for money value to grind for the so called "free" TR?

    I'll buy my Hearts thanks, go enjoy your mind numbing grind.

  10. #9
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    I don't understand.

    I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't understand! This is because although I have been playing for what, 7 months now, I don't have a character over L13 due to being in a v-e-r-y small guild with no more than 2 or 3 of us on at once, a general dislike of PuGging and an understanding that levels 10-20 are going to be very sparse in terms of content, and running the same quests over and over just to level really isn't appealing.

    I'll get there eventually (I see no rush), but I have never enjoyed end game in any MMO I've played - I just don't get the point of it. No character advancement, no point, in terms of me enjoying myself. I hate grinding gear because generally you aren't experiencing anything new when you do that, and that's dull. This seems to be something that will be parrticularly true in DDO - I don't get the appeal of playing Durk's Got A Secret on Epic. I mean, why are these Kobolds suddenly so hard to kill? What's that about? Why haven't they taken over Stormreach yet? Nope. Don't get it. If Epic mode suddenly changed the foes you were facing that would be entirely different. But from what I hear (which I accept could be wrong), its just the same content with the saving throws, damage output and hit points turned to max. Seems lazy to me.

    So my plan was indeed to get to 20, get a true res and level through again with a slightly more powerful character (and thus a slightly different experience, particularly if I choose a different class or build).

    In what way will I not be ready to TR when I get to 20? is it the lack of experience (which surely I'll get as I level back up again?), or is it something else? have I misunderstood something about what Epic content will be like?
    I can see disagreeing with the OP, but I don't understand how you can rail on Turbine for "sparseness of content" when you have willingly avoided half of what the game has to offer (more than half imo). Have you ever considered that running epic or participating in group raids might be fun for you? Have you ever considered that the strategies for running certain quests on epic difficulty changes the feel of them (oh yeah, epic has new monsters)?. Sure, I can see someone getting burned out on it after grinding too hard. But you seem so set on a joyless 20th level experience that I'm sure it will be inevitable that you find something to gripe about. Sure, it might not be your cup of tea, but it sure sounds like you're just making a lot of excuses for yourself.
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  11. #10
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    What if you simply don't like the Epic grind because you think its boring and moronic and you'd rather be levelling? What if the very small amount of cash to buy a heart is less than you earn in an hour and thus it isn't good time for money value to grind for the so called "free" TR?

    I'll buy my Hearts thanks, go enjoy your mind numbing grind.
    I agree though. If you don't like the Epic grind, you're more than welcome to buy the Store Heart. I'd advise against it (as I advise people not to buy things available in the store if they can 'earn' it in-game) however.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  12. #11
    Community Member RoboVanguard's Avatar
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    I bought my TR hearts. Why is that? I have better things to do with my tokens, such as getting augment crystals.
    Kevlin of Sarlona

  13. #12
    Community Member flynnjsw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxallu View Post
    The op is just another example of the incredible arrogance that these D&D nerds have.
    This forum is completely full of elite 20 sided dice chuckers who know everything way better than you do.

    You didn't want to grind out epic tokens to TR? That means that you are not as good at this game as the thread starter, and he's here to tell you how to play the game that you pay for.
    I am sorry, but your post comes across as no less arrogant than anyone elses. it all comes down to wanting to take someone elses advice or not; if you don't like someone's advice then don't take it.

    I am a D&D nerd/D20 chucker as you want to call us, and am not telling ANYONE how to play the game.

  14. #13
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    I have about 30ish epic tokens and I'm already sick of epic. I can't blame anyone for wanting to avoiding this obscene grind.

  15. #14
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    It's personal preference as to whether or not you'd rather spend time or money for the heart - nothing more or less. As far as being "ready" I'm not sure I get what the OP is talking about. How does grinding epic make you any more or less ready to TR? As far as gear goes, you can certainly twink out a character without grinding multiple shroud runs - will you have uber end game loot? No, but do you really need that to get to level 20 as a TR? You didn't need it to get there the first time.

    As far as a general understanding of the game and how it's different from PnP and other MMOs, that usually comes from getting your first half dozen or so characters to level 10ish and then re-rolling.

    Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC

  16. #15
    Community Member Maxallu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flynnjsw View Post
    I am sorry, but your post comes across as no less arrogant than anyone elses. it all comes down to wanting to take someone elses advice or not; if you don't like someone's advice then don't take it.

    I am a D&D nerd/D20 chucker as you want to call us, and am not telling ANYONE how to play the game.
    Have you read these forums? I'm sure you have since you have 1000+ posts. Seriously dude, this place is loaded with arrogance. Every other thread is about some player who was not up to the thread starters standards or detailed instructions letting people know exactly the correct way to play the game. I'm not sure I have seen anything like it before, but it should not be that surprising really, D&D nerds have spent decades earning their reputations.

  17. #16
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    I get his point though about people TRing who don't know *** they are doing. I'm sure we've all encountered people with wings who were clueless. It's pretty easy to level up to 20 with a pretty useless toon (I know, I've done it).

    Maybe grinding 20 Epic tokens might not be the best benchmark to determine you are ready, some people just don't like epic. But TRing the second you hit 20 on your first toon is a horrible idea.

    I know some people TR to correct bad characters, but to me it makes more sense to GR (stand for Gimp Removal as well as Greater Reincarnation) this toon into something useful and get your 20 raids in before TRing.

    Again, your mileage may vary.

  18. #17
    Community Member knightgf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AyumiAmakusa View Post
    Don't buy the heart from the store. It's not worth it. Epic may seem intimidating but all the monsters are just level 35+ - 40+ or so. In fact there are some epic quests that are easy for you to farm for tokens/fragments. I'm in the process of farming for them and will TR when I get enough. In the meantime you could also start farming for crafting items/named items etc.

    There's a lot to do before you TR (such as preparing stuff for your next life). Patience is a virtue.

    EDIT: Yeah, I re-read the OP and my post seems a little off. Anyway, my post is aimed at people who want to buy a TR heart of wood. Seriously don't.
    I'm too intimidated to run epic, it's like I need someone to hold my hand doing it.

    Oh, and did I ever tell you that epic is NOT easy? It's not for casual players. Definitely not.

  19. #18
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jawny_Carcinogen View Post
    Before anyone points out that this doesn't need to be said as it's common sense, I only wish that were the case, it needs to be said.

    Are you level 20? Does epic content intimidate you enough that it seems like a good idea to buy a True Heart of Wood from the ddo store so that you don't have to collect 20 whole epic tokens?

    You're not ready, keep practicing, TR later, you won't regret the delay.
    Another "Play my Way!!!!" thread FTL.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maxallu View Post
    The op is just another example of the incredible arrogance that these D&D nerds have.
    This forum is completely full of elite 20 sided dice chuckers who know everything way better than you do.

    You didn't want to grind out epic tokens to TR? That means that you are not as good at this game as the thread starter, and he's here to tell you how to play the game that you pay for.
    Don't take out your feelings of inadequacy on "20 sided dice chuckers" (of which I happen to be one).
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  20. #19
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightgf View Post
    I'm too intimidated to run epic, it's like I need someone to hold my hand doing it.

    Oh, and did I ever tell you that epic is NOT easy? It's not for casual players. Definitely not.
    Depends on how you approach Epics. There are the Virtuoso Bard runners, the Wizard/Sorceror Mass Hold Person Heavy Pick runners, and more other types of runners. Epic content can be easy if you have the right group.

    P.S. I'm not looking for a 'fun and challenging' time doing epics. I'm just farming for tokens/fragments/scrolls so i'm fine with doing it 'the easy/coward way'.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  21. #20
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthios888 View Post
    I can see disagreeing with the OP, but I don't understand how you can rail on Turbine for "sparseness of content" when you have willingly avoided half of what the game has to offer (more than half imo). Have you ever considered that running epic or participating in group raids might be fun for you? Have you ever considered that the strategies for running certain quests on epic difficulty changes the feel of them (oh yeah, epic has new monsters)?. Sure, I can see someone getting burned out on it after grinding too hard. But you seem so set on a joyless 20th level experience that I'm sure it will be inevitable that you find something to gripe about. Sure, it might not be your cup of tea, but it sure sounds like you're just making a lot of excuses for yourself.
    Not railing on them. Stating a fact - there's a graph doing the rounds on various threads which proves there's a sparesness of content above L10. Indeed I am having great difficulty in getting past L10 because of the dearth of quests there. There's plenty I can get into, just not many I can actually do - they all seem to be L11 quests or absolutely require more than 1 person. A lot of my issue with that is also because I do play solo a lot - I know, I know, its an MMO, get over myself. I'm working on it, honest. Point being there IS a decrease in quests above level 10, and just doing each quest once will not get me through each level, I'm going to HAVE to repeat some. Up to L10 that isn't necessary unless I want to repeat them, for favour or loot. So I'm basically holding off in the hope they'll release some more mid-high level content in the next few updates.

    And yes, I have considered that I might enjoy L20 Epicness. That was the reason for my post. I want to know if there's anything to look forward to, or is it as I expect? From the responses, I'm actually feeling more positive about it - the fact that tactics might actually be required for once instead of zergzergzerg interests me greatly - it is in fact the zerging problem that is the reason I don't like to PuG content I haven't done before, and is therefore one of the reasons I'm stalled a bit at L10 - everyone wants to go faster than me and I don't actually learn anything. i can't get to know the quest until I've been able to explore it, get my bearings and so on. Just following the pack bores me senseless (this is in fact the sole reason I don't like what I've experienced of raids in various MMOs - it needs tactics, but I never get chance to learn when those tactics might be needed because you zoom from one encounter to the next and I have no idea which way is up, let alone which set-piece fight is about to happen).

    My heart is not set on having something to gripe about - my heart is set on Turbine releasing more mid-high level content so I can enjoy myself. I am merely unconvinced - from what I hear rather than from experience as I beleive I acknowledge in my first post - that I'm going to enjoy epic content as I currently understand it. Both the comment that there are new monsters, and that tactics may actually be required for once intrigue me.

    In short - I wasn't dismissing what is to come, I was genuinely enquiring. I know its hard to get your head around given how many people seem to be on internet forums, but my mind is open to being changed. If I pose a question, I'm looking for the answer, not validation for my viewpoint (well, unless its prefaced by a /sarcasm, anyway). I am, however, sorry if it came across that I was simply being critical, I assure you that was not my intent.

    Oh, and while I think of it, I didn't think the OP was berating anyone. I thought it was an interesting point made in a tongue in cheek way, that I wanted to learn more about.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

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