Does the slogan play a drow they are just that cool ring any bells?
Drow were one of the high points of the game when they first came out, the first 32pt build even though the points were fixed.
However with the availablity of 32 pt builds it lost most of it shine particulary with its poor range of
enhancements which I believe is the primary reason many do not play them.
Many people often ask to see a build that includes another 4 build points as they don't feel that it is a true 32pt
build while I don't think that is required I am not going to incorporate that here.
Lets start with what are often seen as fundamental drow abilities
Spell Resistance
A change here is definitely justified particulary considering WF immunities.
10+ level capped at some point (25?) and then able to purchase additional with AP.
Innate Abilities Purchased via enhancments possibly unlocked via feat similar to dragonmark feat.
Darkness (Availble as a variant of glitterdust)
Levitation (Obviously a true implementation of this may be difficult so an activated ability similar to leap of
faith or even slow fall so it develops with levels)
Currently follows the traditional +2/+2 to hit and damage for a limited weapon set short sword and rapier, however
Drow are often seen as masters of 2 weapon fighting since their introduction (Well before FR came out). While it
would not hurt to keep current enhancments, a series of melee enhancements based around this would be well justified and add not only distinctive flavour to drow fighting but also a small edge in one area.
Drow would receive up to the standard +2/+2 for to hit and damage while weilding 2 weapons (this is exclusive from other weapon sets similar to longsword/scimitar option for elves)
Defense 2 weapon fighting line should also be introduced with a +1/+2 option similar to Dwarf Armour Mastery,
possibly limiting it to light armour and below.
Spell Casting
Drow are one of the most powerful spell casting races but this is often overshadowed by the WF ability to self heal.
Palemaster has somewhat helped to address this in part however a few more racial traits in this area would not hurt.
Racial Spell Pen, as drow are as a race are resistant to magic it makes sense that they would be better at defeating SR. This would be a 2 tiered ability.
*** Not so sure on this one but at least one group of drow in ebberon seem to be very good a fire magic. Maybe a
racial bonus to that of +5% +5% to that elemement would be appropriate.
Drow are a race that must be purchased or unlocked and as such believe they need attention sooner rather than