Two points to this post…
First is about guilds and how they have been detrimental to the casual gamers’ ability to effectively form or join a PuG. Not a lot of fans of PuGs out there I’m sure, but it is a big part of how a lot of people play the game. It seems that there are fewer and fewer opportunities to get in groups. Personally, I have played DDO for about 4 years, and cannot remember a time when it was so difficult to get a group together (PuG). I can only attribute this to the Guild emphasis. I love the idea of guilds, and what Turbine has done to foster that type of play, but it is at the expense of the casual gamer. Sure, there are some guilds that tout they are for casual gamers and this is fine, but those who choose not to be part of a guild are presented with fewer and fewer opportunities to play (as stated before). The rush to join and form guilds has also created another rift, which brings up the second point…
Players see the benefit of joining a large guild simply for the increased opportunity to actually be able to play when online, and for the perks the higher level guilds offer. The other issue is that these people are essentially rushing to these big guilds for those perks. The smaller guilds that are interested in growing and becoming one of the big ones are forced to fight for the scraps, and looking for the new players who just started the game. This is much like the Wal-Mart’s of the world compared to the mom-and-pop shops; there simply is no way to compete for membership. I have a guild that I created and have experienced this first hand. I was happy to hear that Turbine gave smaller guilds a bump in guild renown to help off-set the big guild leveling dominance, and make smaller guilds a bit more attractive to prospective members (possible side effect for another purpose?), but the membership attraction is the problem. There are many small guilds out there that are having trouble attracting members. Is there a solution for the small guilds out there? Short of combining these groups under some sort of Small Guild Coalition, I have no idea. My guild is level 8 almost ready for level 9, but I would be willing to disband it in order to coordinate efforts to bring these other small guilds together to increase the ability to play more consistently. If anyone is interested in setting up a “think tank” to figure out how this could work, I would personally be very interested.
The game experience is not only the graphics and mechanics, but the social interaction between players. When that interaction is taken away or limited, it directly affects the experience for not only new players, but for those who have been around for a while. Again, if anyone is interested in trying to think this through and come up with a solution that will benefit both casual gamers and small guilds alike, please feel free to PM me or reply to this thread.