I went to the account ticket page in the support section of the website and filled out the form, asking for a Lord of the Rings Online trial key. Instead, they gave me another key for DDO.
I filled out all the forms properly, including "New Free Account Key Request" as the type of problem, and made it clear in the description that I wanted a LOTRO trial key attached to my existing account. I think they took it as a request for another DDO key, since 1) I used the DDO site's account ticket, and 2) LotRO's only "free" account is a "trial" account.
So, a few questions:
1) Do I need to use the LotRO site's account ticket instead? Because they don't give a relevant option.
2) If anybody else had this problem and overcame it, could you show me how you got around the issue?
3) Is there anything else I'm doing wrong, and if so, what should I be doing instead?
Thanks again.
P.S: I already know about this thread below.