Title says it all, i'm putting icy burst on it as we speak... Amazing Velah beater for a AA or any bow user! Looking for large scales/stones, firestorms, bloodstones, and whatever else you want to offer!
Title says it all, i'm putting icy burst on it as we speak... Amazing Velah beater for a AA or any bow user! Looking for large scales/stones, firestorms, bloodstones, and whatever else you want to offer!
Gotbeef, Amielle, Bandaidd, Chilli (32 pt)
The Mascot of <I Do Haste Potions>, Professional Johnson Stepper
Gotbeef, Amielle, Bandaidd, Chilli (32 pt)
The Mascot of <I Do Haste Potions>, Professional Johnson Stepper
That's definitely a nice bow, but I think you might need to lower your price a bit to get any interest. It's a bit too narrowly focused a weapon to get the kinds of items you're looking for, I think. Possibly quote a price in platinum you'd consider and you may attract more attention. You might also be able to get a decent price on the AH - I sold a vanilla bow of greater dragon bane for around 250k gold a while back, so you'd likely get a lot more for yours.
Eh, inflated price because a burst was wasted on it.
It doesn't work on the blue dragon. That's going to be very key once epic Tor comes out. It's dangerous to archer down Velah, foolish if you don't have incredible timing. For the Tor dragons - black is a bit of a pansy and white can be firewalled down. Thus, the most applicable application for a greater dragon bane bow is the blue dragon, something this bow utterly fails to do. Still, an archer on Nimbus is good, so that just continues to gut the concept.
Gotbeef, Amielle, Bandaidd, Chilli (32 pt)
The Mascot of <I Do Haste Potions>, Professional Johnson Stepper
This bow is obviously not for you.
While Axiomatic may not work on the Blue Dragon in Tor, no one cares about that at the present moment.
Also, since we have NO IDEA when the EPIC version of Gianthold is coming, I figure this bow is slanted towards those that want to Use it against Velah.
Now, you did mention that Its dangerous to archer Velah down. I've never seen a Pew Pew have trouble shooting at EPIC Velah while the melees are in, ducking the breath just like everyone else. So I'm not sure where you're coming from there. She simply has so few HP on any other difficulty its not worth mentioning.
A real arguement could be made that many AA have already made a Lighting II Bow. Those people obviously wouldn't want this one. However, if you don't care for the shroud grind but still play to cap an AA could do MUCH worse than this bow.