Get rid of it.

Or at least make it more bearable.

I vociferously opposed the change to ToD when it happened, arguing that you now have to effectively 'double-flag' for that quest, but one of the flags requires randomly-generated ingredients. The second part of that flagging system really only hurts the average and casual player, who, unfortunately, make up the majority of the gaming community. I realize that the intent is to encourage people to run the Battlefield quests. However, the unfortunate reality is those people are largely excluded from running the raid if they don't have boots. I don't know how it goes on the other servers but on Sarlona, a LFM for ToD generally includes the words "Must have boots".

I know that I'm going to get swamped with people saying, "I pulled 3 bloods from one run of Bastion" or "I got my boot ingredients in 2 days for all of my 10 characters" but let me assure you, those experiences are not reflective of what's happening to the average player.

I stopped playing for about 4 months, largely because I was sick of the grind. In the month since I've come back, I've had a blast, being reminded daily why I love this game so much. However, two of my characters don't have boots of anchoring so I thought I had better knuckle down and go get those ingredients. Dozens of runs through Shavarath quests later, I've acquired a total of one mysterious artifact. This experience reminds me why I took a break. I realize that this is bad luck and I may pull ingredients from every end chest for the next 10 runs. Or I may run 50 more and not get's random.

And that's my beef with this raid 'flagging' mechanism. Take out the random, make us do our work and get our results. I have no problem flagging for raids. I have no problem running Vale quests to acquire ingredients for items I choose to build. I do have a problem slogging my way through mobs of CR19 Orthons and Barbazu for 20-30 minutes to earn a 3-5% chance at pulling one of four pieces of a recipe that is now essentially required by the gaming community to run the highest-level non-epic raid.

Okay, I've outlined why I think it's bad, so now a few suggestions:

1) Change Horoth's radius of banishment to what it was before the 'fix'. This will allow people to still participate in the run who do not have boots. The non-boot melees can still kill orthons or Sully while not being actively engaged in melee with Horoth.

2) Increase the drop rate on boot ingredients. I know they've already been increased once, but it's not enough. Consider adding boot ingredients to the other chests in the raid or to other chests in the Battlefield quests or even the rares in the Battlefield. This was done in Gianthold and it has not hurt that adventure area at all.

3) Take out the randomness completely. Random hurts the average player while being a non-factor for power-gamers. Make the ingredients a static drop. If you want to ensure that people run these quests more than once each, make the boots require more ingredients or have the static drops only be part of one ingredient (ala the pieces of epic dungeon tokens but not 1/100, for heaven's sake).

4) Get rid of it completely. I know that's not going to happen and would make many people unhappy as well but it is an option.

That's all I have. Please understand that this is not a rant but does reflect some moderate degree of in my opinion well-earned frustration on my part. And it's not that I don't care but posting your experiences of pulling all your boot ingredients for your entire complement of characters in one afternoon last week is not contributing to the thread.
