Alright im sure these have been suggested before but i will go ahead and post em. These are a few easy enhancements to the game that i think would enhance the smaller aspects.
1. Add a search option to the ah. So that someone can search items by name. This could also include the ability to remove from sight things that you cannot use (race restricted and you don't have the UMD)
2.Equipment sets, much like the weapon sets boxes currently in the game.
3.Ability to further customize the guild. Rank names, amount of ranks, etc
4.Ability to sheath your weapon.
Just a few small things that i think on the whole everyone would like. Also i cant seem to foresee a huge amount of programming time put into it, with the exception of sheathing. (An as for the guild portion there seems to be slash commands already in game through the /help however they do not work.)
Edited cause i cant spell