I have followed a build "Reformed Thief" for a "Rogue Skilled Tempest Ranger" to use as support (locks, traps, secret doors) for my daughters and son-in-laws characters. The final Class distribution was to be Ranger-18/Rogue-1/Fighter-1.
I don't play often so after 2 months I am Ranger-5/Rogue-1/Fighter-1.
** For a number of good reasons, I want to change to a "Rogue Skilled Arcane Archer", so:
My Feats are now:
Favored Enemy:
Weapon Focus: Ranged
Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
1. Should I use bows or crossbows (xbows seem to have more damage at each level)?
2. Does the Fighter level (took it for Oversized Two Weapon Fighting) mess me up badly in the future?
3. Do you have any other suggestions?
Thank you!