I am looking for some great +4 or +5 handwraps of stunning 10, +5 if NO prefix, +4 if they come with a prefix (such as force/true law/holy/seeker/etc.). I am interested in at least 3 of these handwraps so feel free to contact me with multiple offers!

I am also interested in the following=
Greater Banes (holy of greater bane a big plus!)
Anarchic Burst of Stunning (can be +1) (REALLY want)
+5 Weakening of Enfeebling or Maldroit of Bone Break (no weaking of bone break junk)
+5 Force of Pure Good
Metaline of evil outsider bane (any +, and bane can even be lesser)
Cursepewing of Improved Destruction

Larges of any type (have 24+ large scales alone)
Plat (Im rich biatch!)
Flawless Red Dragon Scale (must be a good handwrap or several)
+2 tomes of almost every type (8 +2 int tomes alone)
Banishing Rapiers (have several)
WoP light repeater
+5 metaline of PG dagger/lightpick
Lots of fun stuff

Transactions MUST be completed by SATURDAY, as the ice festival ends the 1st. Any handwrap goes WAY down in value to me if I cant put icyburst on it.

Send PMs here (prefered, I will respond), or contact me in game on=