GOAL: To be able to maximize my DPS based on situational Sneak Attack and Flanking opportunities.
CHALLENGE: If Skill Points are at a premium for my build (assume low Int), can someone tell me how important ranks in Hide and Move Silently will play into Sneak Attack and Flanking effectiveness?
I may go Halfling (that's set) Rogue or possibly Monk to accomplish my goal. I don't want to debate the pros and cons of either class option. However, either way, I've seen lots of builds that are inclusive of full ranks of both skills and some that focus one and not the other.
What if I put no ranks in either skill? Would I still be able to enjoy the full benefits of sneak attack and flanking attacks? Would I totally gimp my build because the enemy would always be aware of my pressence? Are they absolutely necessary and to what point (opinion on minimum ranks for each)?
Thanks for you help in advance...