It seems to me that if you can build to AC, and given the changes to Mountain stance, you could potentially tank anything in the game - even LoB.
And since that would mean putting more into Wis, you would also be able to Stunning Fist, Touch of Death, Touch of Despair, etc. the whole way to 20, doing more damage both the whole life and at cap. You'd be able to tank more (all?) of the game while also DPSing.
Stunning Fist + all other damage
ToDeath 750 + (all other damage +50%)
ToDeath 750 + (all other damage +50%)
ToDeath 750 + (all other damage +50%)
ToDespair (all other damage +50%)
ToDeath 1000 + (all other damage +50%)
ToDeath 1000 + (all other damage +50%)
ToDeath 1000 + (all other damage +50%)
ToDeath 1000 + (all other damage +50%)
ToDeath 1000 + (all other damage +50%)
ToDeath 1000 + (all other damage +50%)
And in between the ToDeaths, you could drop Void Strikes to do as much damage as earth's against most enemies and they would speed up the procing of ToDespair AND they would do +50% damage post-ToDespair.
It seems like this strength build is building like a fighter instead of taking advantage of the increased DPS monk offers via procs while also being able to do things like insta-kill (Quivering Palm), tanking (2 stats to ac, mountain stance, etc), control (Curse of the Void, Freezing the Life Blood), and debuffs that increase both yours and the rest of the party's dps (Karmic Strike, Eagle Claw, Unbalancing Strike).