Does trap damage cause agro when the trap setter is hiding?
Does trap damage cause agro when the trap setter is hiding?
Thanks. Excellent!. I think that is how it should be. I'm just going through, in my head, general strategies for playing my mechanic rouge, as I have never played a rouge.
Looking at one of the forum builds, I see they are taking Precise shot and Improved Precise shot. Trying to decide if I want the kind of agro that can be generated from these feats, I first thought it important to know what kind of agro the traps created. I'm going to take advantage of the heavy repeater but I want to minimize agro so I'm going to skip the Precise shot feats and go Weapon Finesse and TWF for a melee option.
Thanks again +1
no problem
if u play on the argonnessan server i could help u out with mechanic parts if u want some