Hi people, i'm here because i need some help with my drow build. Here are my stats:
Str: 14 (base), +4 (item)
Dex: 22 (base), +4 (item)
Con: 12 (base)
Int: 16 (base), +4 (item)
Cha: 10 (base)
Wis: 8 (base)
I'm a lvl 11 (level up today) rogue and i need some suggestions and critiques.
Since the beginning i tried to max out some basical skills like adding, by each level, the max number of skill points that was possible (all total mods are calculated without counting in objects like Ring of Minute Seeing, ecc):
DisDev: 20
Hide/MovS: 25 both
OpenLock: 22
Search: 23
Spot: 18
UMD: 14
I met some non-rogue ppl (same level as mine) having more than 30 DisDev, so i was wondering if i was ok with my stats. Please tell me what should i do to improve and raise them
Sorry for my bad english, hope to receive some help