Howdy folks,
I downloaded this game about a month ago. I was a big Everquest player almost 10 years ago, but haven't really touched a MMORPG since then.
I decided to join Thelanis, simply because I liked the name. That turned out to be a great choice. While I typically will try to research answers to my questions, rather than trouble the Advice channel, the few times I have used it I've received prompt and friendly replies. One player (Halifax) even spent about 20-30 minutes giving me advice on various ways to play a Paladin.
Another thing I found cool, when joining a random group, I always explain that I'm learning the game still and will find another group if they think having a "noob" will be a problem. I've never once been told I should leave. In fact, most people simply tell me, "We all have to learn somewhere".
All in all, this is a great server, and I'm glad I picked it. I suppose I just wanted to thank all you vets for helping to make my learning experience more enjoyable. I hope to be able to return the favor to other newcomers one of these days.