How adding an "up for grabs" option among the specific character ones for loot transferance?
How adding an "up for grabs" option among the specific character ones for loot transferance?
Yes, it has been suggested that in addition to re-assigning loot to specific players by name, you can also set a loot to be free for anyone who wants to grab it. And there'd be an optional "Release All" button at the bottom of a chest for someone who's done getting the things he wants and will let the remaining items by taken by anyone.
That would be a helpful way to speed up the handling of moderately-valuable items that not all players want to bother with, such as Thief Tools or Siberys Fragments.
Very good suggestion. This comes up regularly with guild play, where there's decent junk but the player doesn't want it. Let it be free-for-all.
You guys got distracted. This thread isnt about any drama, its about making handing out stuff you dont want easier. Lets keep it on topic.
It's been suggested since you could swap items in chests. It would still be a decent idea. A release all button below loot all.
Maybe make it not work on Bind on Acquire items.. but otherwise, sure.
Interestingly... there's already an epic chest that does with epic seals. Nice little oversight there.