I will be hosting a New Player Friendly Tempest Spine Raid at 5:00 PM EST on Aronnessen.
This is a Free to Play quest, and the first 12 member raid in the game.
The raid will be run on normal difficulty and taken at a very slow pace to help people familiarize themselves with the raid.And also, to get a basic understanding of party managment and dealing out roles during raiding.
I am excepting all characters levels 8-11. I prefer you have speakers so you can hear any commentary as we go through the quest. I will also take any questions about the quest or preparations needed before/while organizing the raid.
This is meant to be fun. No flaming. No ranting. No shirts required.
If you are interested in being a part of this feel free to PM me here, or look for an LFM around 4:45 PM EST under Nisroc. If you see the LFM, please send me a tell first telling me you saw this on the forums, as I prefer to take people who want to learn and not just zerg through it, without the understanding of the above mentioned commentary.
9 Spots remaining....
Thanks, looking forward to a fun raid!