What a bunch of noobs.
You know someone is a loser when he properly uses an ellipses at the end of a sentence and knows to add the ending period. We don't take kindly to grammar on the Internet!
Things have been pretty good. I hope to be moving for a new job in the next couple of months. Funny part is that I would be moving back to where I just moved away from a year ago. I am waiting to see how that works out.
The gaming side hasn't been so good. I am still feeling burned out on DDO, but I can't find any games that I feel like playing.
up and down. still in school, but timing my last 2 years with my kids getting into school finally. Because of that ive been taking summers off and chilling in the heat
Other than that trying to cause trouble in game, thats bout it
If you sub im sure ill talk to ya, if not drop in here or the guild forums and keep in touch bud.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
the aura would have saved the whole group....lol. now if only the **** thing would crit!!
i agree, healers suck
woundweaver 20 cl woundcleaver 20 barb woundbleeder 17 barb woundreaver 20 ftr woundheal 18 cl
woundedsoul 20 fvs woundedfist 20 monk woundshadow 20 fvs woundtoaster 20 wiz woundtusk 15 monk
This is the one of the funniest topics I've ever seen, since I know that most of people in that group rock! Davlin is an amazing caster and Sissy is a wonderful healer. It's kinda hilarious how he loves casting Grease though. lol
im gonna have to go with this.
[rant]i mean, nothing i lined up with one another, there are uneven spaces between each bar, you have a couple empty bars, nothing in your bars is organized by category, some bars are half full, some only have an item or two, nothing is pushed to the edge of the screen allowing the most visibility, the quest objective log in the top right probably overlaps your buff icons, and you have objects running into the middle of the screen.[/rant]