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  1. #1
    The Hatchery Barazon's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default mute voice but not text

    I would like to be able to mute certain players but still be able to see what they type.

    One great reason for this is for families who play (we are a two pay-to-play-account household): I don't need to hear my wife's voice in person, then a second later hear the same words again over my speakers. However I would still like to see anything she types. I know other multiple-player families that would appreciate this also.

    Another is people who come across incredibly loud; I've even had some people that I thought were incredibly loud and other players thought their voice was fine. Even better than muting would be a setting from 0.00 to 1.00 per player, and of course make this a limited size list.

    Edit: If you had a volume setting per player, make something in the middle, such as 0.50, correspond to the current setting, 0.00 would mute, 1.00 might be double.
    Last edited by Barazon; 07-23-2010 at 03:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Dysmetria's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I'd like to see this too. I've messed with all the sound settings and none seem to affect voicechat at all.

  3. #3
    Community Member redoubt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I like this idea.

    Also adding individual volume controls on party members would solve the second issue you list.

  4. #4
    Community Member KannyaAryien's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    /signed 100% for being able to pump up/down certain people's voices.

    I can't count how many times I have had to give up on hearing someone because their voice was so soft, yet everyone else could hear him/her fine. On the flipside, running with people who have their voice cranked so high that my ears bleed would be nice to turn down.

    I have no idea how difficult it would be to implement, but a little love here would be nice.
    Kannyaheals, lvl 20 Cleric...Kannya, lvl 20 rogue...Kanbeats, lvl 20 intimitank...Kanya, lvl 14 halfling tosser...Kankan, lvl 11 pally thing...Kancast, lvl 18 wizzy

  5. #5
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Yes, Individual volume controls FTW.
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Yep, good idea.

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